Chapter 5

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 “Miss Noble I assure you there is really nothing to be nervous about. My name is Officer Sarah Higgins and this is my partner Detective Ray Carson.’’ Said the blonde as I watched her with unease I was a knot of anxiousness. My surroundings were familiar since I have been in Principle Murphy’s office more times than I could count but oddly this time everything seemed cold and different. It’s probably just the circumstances. I assured myself, detective Carson took a seat in the principles chair opposite me, behind the fine hand crafted mahogany desk.

“I don’t understand officer why do you need to talk to me… why am I here.” I asked while twisting my red pleated skirt over and over again. I always felt fidgety when nervous.

“ You’re not in trouble Miss Noble, we simply need some information that’s all.” Said Higgins

“As you may or may not have heard a fellow pupil of yours has been missing since last Wednesday night.” It was Carson who spoke up now as he flipped through a couple of papers that he was reviewing.

“A certain young lad that goes by the name of Luther Webster”

 My eyes widened, so this is what it’s all about.

“Yes sir, I have heard about that.”

“Tell us Miss Noble what was your relationship with him?”

I shook my head

“No-no detective we were never in a relationship. I hardly even knew him. You see detective it was quite the opposite I tried everything I could do to avoid him.”

“Oh and why is that Miss Noble?” It was Higgins who asked this.

“To be honest officer… he kinda scared me.”

  “Care to elaborate Miss Noble?” asked Carson.

   “Well… Luther was stalking me and I really just felt unsafe to be alone with him I just didn’t know what he was capable of doing and this made me nervous.”

“Do you happen to recall when the stalking started?” asked Carson I raked my fingers through my long dark mane as I tried to recall the date.

“I’m not exactly sure detective but its round about 2 to 3 weeks ago.” I said hesitantly.

“Can you give us examples of the things he did while stalking you Miss Noble?”

“Well detective really at first it was nothing major he’d send me love poems and put secret letters in my locker. My friends all thought that he just had a crush on me and if I just blew him off that he’d stop bugging me. I didn’t think much of it really that’s why I didn’t report him immediately--”

“But you did report him?’’ Chimed officer Higgins, I nodded and continued.

“Yes I did, at some point his letters stopped coming and I was glad to see he finally got the point but It turns out he didn’t. One day I was working at the shack busy wiping down the tables when I felt someone staring at me. I turned around and there he was standing outside staring at me through the glass doors, not smiling or waving as usual just… staring. I-I felt panicked and told my boss (Joe). Joe went out and told him to leave and he did but I was still a bit creeped out. The next day I made an appointment with  principle Murphy and I told him everything and to his credit Principle Murphy actually sympathized with me but he said there was nothing he could do since staring at someone wasn’t exactly an offense or violation of the school rules. He told me to stay away from Luther and that’s what I was trying to do, it seemed to be working—

“He stopped staring?” asked Officer Higgins.

“No he still stared sometimes, but that was all and I convinced myself that he would get tired of me soon, but that all went out of the window after what happened last Wednesday night.

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