Chapter 7

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It's amazing how much can happen in one day. I thought as I lay awake in the dark unable to fall asleep. My mind kept on repeating the events of today over and over again. I felt as if I were stuck in a permanent replay of a bad movie that I'd much rather forget.

Taking onto consideration all that's happened I suppose it's only normal for me to feel as if I were some kind of hanging pendulum... my emotions oscillating back and forth with each new "surprise" that was sprung on me. Of course thinking about such problematic factors in my life inevitably made me think about


The thought of him sent shivers down my spine and I rubbed my arms trying to ease the goose bumps that had formed. A part of me would have been content to wallow in self pity repeatedly asking "why me, why me?" but another part of me the logical part. As small and unused as it may be knew that it wouldn't help solve anything if I just sat here and waited in limbo while he was out there, God only knows where, possibly out to get me. That realization was the main reason I decided to take Jordan up on his offer-admittedly not the only reason- but it was the most important. It would be stupid of me to turn down free self defense classes when there is a mentally unstable stalker out there, not to say that stalkers are   stable is general, get the point. However, even though it was the most logical thing to do it was definitely not the most convenient. While Jordan and I spoke earlier on today we came the conclusion that the only way to slot in the lessons was to arrange them so I had a session in the mornings an hour before the academic school day and a session in the evenings an hour after the academic day. This in essence only leaves me with 7 hours of sleep-if I'm lucky-I stared at the bed side alarm clock. It read 2:30 am. I groaned and shut my eyes trying to fall asleep. It turns out I didn't have to try very hard I fell into a dreamless sleep within minutes. I must have been exhausted.   

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