Chapter 10

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As I pushed open the front door of the shack I heard the familiar chiming of the bell that hanged above. Once inside I saw Maddy standing behind the neon green counter keeping busy with the coffee machine while she spoke to Joe. They both glanced up at the sound of the door bell and Maddy broke into a goofy smile.

"Hey Ari," she said.

"Well, look who finally decided to show up to work." Said Joe his voice was stern but his eyes were smiling.

"Hey guys." I said joining them at the counter.

"So how are things going?" asked Joe, I looked at him for a moment really considering his question and in the end I answered as truthfully as I could.

"Its...going." I said with a sigh.

"Maddy clued me up on everything that's been going must be though huh?" he said with a hint of sympathy in his voice.

"Ha, well tough is my middle name." I said jokingly.

"Really, I thought it was Rosalinda," he said feeling satisfied with his jab at me. Everyone knew I hated my middle name because I was named after my grandmother.

I scoffed and swatted at his arm, Maddy just chuckled.

 At that exact moment the doorbell chimed and I heard the sound of footsteps filter into the room. I turned around and I was confronted by Samantha and Douglas Lavery-the star quarter back and the jerk of all jerks- at Livingstone.

Samantha gave me a stoney eyed glare while Douglas eyed me up and down.

I turned back to Maddy and mouthed the words (oh-no) while miming wiled gestures of pulling out my hair.

She just looked at me sympathetically and said

"I'll take them" she offered but I looked upon her innocent face and I just couldn't throw her in the deep end like that. I shook my head and flashed her a fabricated smile.

"It's fine give me an apron I got this."

A few moments later I stood next to a table in which Samantha and Douglas were seated, with a note pad in my hand waiting to take their order.

"What can I get you today?" I asked briskly not in the usual welcoming tone I'd use with customers.

Samantha stared at her menu for a long time before furrowing her brow and saying.

"I'll have a Greek salad."

I stared at her for a few short moments trying to decide if she was actually serious.

"We don't have that on our menu," I said.

She wrinkled her nose and looked up at me

"What type of place doesn't offer a Greek salad ?" she said pouting.

"Well this is a coffee shop..." I said plainly.

"Why don't you have a look at the menus, that is what they are meant for." I said sarcastically.

 She opened the menu with stiff rigid movements.

"There's nothing good in here" she said whining to Douglas.

"Well if you feel that way maybe you should find someplace else..." I retorted.

"No its fine just get me something you'd recommend...I didn't really come for the food anyway" she said waving me of and taking hold of Douglas's hands from across the table.

" about you?" I asked Douglas.

"Erm I'll just have the grilled cheese burger" he said.

I scribbled the order on my note pad and headed back to the counter where Maddy was waiting for me.

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