Chapter 1

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One thing that I’ve learned in the last couple of months is that life is complicated. It didn’t always use to be that way though. From what I can remember about my childhood I know that it was a happy one and for that, I will be eternally grateful. Now looking back on my life, I realize that maybe those where my happiest years; when things were sweet and simple. Before all of the lies and the mind games started and before Jordan Blake walked into my life - but I’ll tell you about him later- right now, I think I should start my story from the beginning. A few hours before something happened that became the turning point in my life and it all started in last period English class.  


As the minutes drew on, I found myself losing focus and my mind began to wander off into the vast realm of day dreaming. Mrs. Keller’s voice began to drift off becoming an indiscernible jumble of words in the background. I imagined that I was in a Russian circus, wearing a purple leotard with golden strips running diagonally across my chest. Looking down, I found myself standing on a wooden pedestal about fifty feet above ground. Below me stood Jordan Blake who was encouraging me to jump; while looking down at him, I adamantly refused. No way was I going to jump of a fifty foot pedestal only to plummet to my most certain death; not even if the dreamy Jordan Blake was waiting for me at the bottom.

“Come on Aria, you can do it,” he urged me.

Suddenly the crowed began chanting my name.

“Aria! Aria! Aria!” They all cheered collectively. I was getting anxious and suddenly I felt a hand on my shoulder. I blinked and the circus was gone, Mrs. Keller’s face in front of mine.

“Aria!” she yelled, slamming a book on my desk. With a start, I jumped up a little in my seat and straitened my posture simultaneously.

“Yes Ma’am,” I squeaked.

In the background I could hear  giggles and stifled laughter from the class.

Mrs. Keller fixed her icy blue eyes on me before stating.

 “I want a three hundred word essay about why you should not fall asleep in class on my desk first thing tomorrow morning.”

I let out a deep sigh; Mrs. Keller was always looking to get back at me since the first day of school when I had made a, perfectly innocent, statement about the huge mole on her forehead.

“Is that clear Miss Noble?” She asked with a smug look on her face.

I flipped my long dark hair over my shoulder and summoned my inner most bitch before I replied, “Crystal clear.” I added a big smile for effect and the whole class let out a series of collective “ohhhhs” and “oh, no she didn’t”.

Mrs. Keller opened her mouth to say something but she was cut off by the loud shrill of the bell. This gave me the opportunity to quickly pack my books and make my exit. Leaving the class room behind me I made my way to my locker and began entering my combination when I heard the voice of my best friend Ellice Bliss.

“Oh. My. Gosh. Ari you totally just told Mrs. Keller off,” she said with a huge grin on her face.

I rolled my eyes. “She deserved it; the old hag has had it out for me since day one for no apparent reason.”

“If I do remember correctly you did say, ‘holy moly’, the first day you saw her.”

“So, it wasn’t meant to be rude. It was just like something funny and how was I supposed to know that she was standing right behind me when I said that?” I retorted feeling a bit annoyed.

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