Chapter 9

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The rest of the morning went by in a blur I spent most of my time in my room trying to avoid large crowds. The news about the police visiting me was already circulating across the whole school and now the whispers and stares have become more blatant. At noon I decided I'd head out and pay my friend a visit so I left my room and made my way to the common living area also known as the Rec. room. There were a few students seated on the sofas watching TV. In the corner a couple played a game of ping pong and a group of senior guys occupied the pool table. I made my way to the nearest vending machine and bought some M&M's and a couple of candy bars. Satisfied with my latest purchase I turned to leave the living area. Outside I felt the warm sun shining on my skin and I heard the ever present sound of the ocean. The smell of beach drifted into my nose and the cool breeze played with the lose tendrils of my hair. I let out a sigh


I screamed.

Turning around I saw Jordan propped up against the wall with a bottle of water in he's hand.

"Oh-my-god" I breathed trying to calm my racing pulse.

He raised his hands

"Sorry didn't mean to scare ya" he said.

"Well you better knock it off, if I didn't know better I'd think you're spying on me" I said lightly.

I noticed he flinched but only for a second before he recovered his easy going confidant expression.

 "Don't be silly" he waved me off.

"So where are you headed to?" he asked.

"Erm" I took a quick glance around "Just visiting a friend" I said nonchalantly.

"Need a ride?" he asked politely.

"Oh ... no thanks I was just going to walk..." I said shyly.

"Walk, in this weather? Come on I'll take you, piece of cake" he said with a broad smile on his face.

My knees turned to pudding

"Alright, since you insist" I said with a small smile playing on my lips.

"Great, I'm parked out back" he said and motioned for me to follow him.

As we made our way across the parking lot we ran into Samantha Richie and the Ry'back twins.

"Jordan" she said in her sickly sweet manner.

Almost immediately I saw his whole expression changed. His lips tightened into a straight line and his body went rigid.

"Samantha" he said tightly.

"Oh Jordy, how many times have I told you, call me Sammy" she said plastering on a thick cherry blossom glossed smile.

Only then she seemed to notice me and her smile fell flat.

"You" she said disdainfully.

"Hello Sammy" I said sweetly.

She completely ignored me and went back to talking to Jordan.

"You didn't call me" she said making a pouty face.

"I didn't know I was supposed to" he said with a small smile.

She blinked and stepped back as if he had just slapped her. She fumbled for something to say, I saved her the trouble.

"Well Sammy, it's been...interesting seeing you again but we were just leaving" I said tugging on Jordan's arm. I turned around while we left and waved to them.

"Tata" I said cheekily and I watched as the twins mouths gaped open and Samantha turned as red as the Cherry blossom lip gloss she was wearing.

I turned back to Jordan once we were out of earshot.

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