Chapter 28

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The sensation that took over my body when he started to chuckle is something I don't think I will ever truly be able to describe. The pure dread I felt as he approached me my breath caught at the back of my throat. I couldn't breathe or speak or think. At one point I think I even tried to scream but nothing happened no sound escaped my lips. I was caught in an absolute nightmare that seemed never ending the horror crippled me.

He stood in front of me now towering above me as always, I was able to see the finer details of he's suit up close and I realized it was not black but instead made up by a dark navy colour that shone as the light hit it at an angle. He pushed his glasses up and poised them on top of his head then he crouched down to be eye level with me. I could see into his eyes clearly now they looked murky and glassy as I had suspected. I assumed they were some sort of contacts. His skin looked taught too as if he had some sort of face lift procedure.

"Yes Aria, it is me...ha only 24 cosmetic surgeries later. What do you think do you like it?" he asked seemingly growing impatient.

"This is all because of you isn't it?" I asked my voice coming out shaky. He smiled coyly before flicking my nose in a playful manner.

"You really are a smart cookie" he said sarcastically and walked away. He started pacing the room as he launched into his explanation.

"After the night at the café I knew I had to make you pay and especially that Jordan idiot. I fell in love with your kindness and they way you treated me like a human. You didn't snicker when I walked into the room or join the other kids when they bullied me, and I knew that I loved you from the very start. Of course you loved me too, you just didn't know it yet, I tried to show you how much I cared about you I left you notes and poems and roses. But for some reason that only seemed to push you away even further and then I decided to approach you directly that night at the café but you spat in my face and embarrassed me you were just like the rest of them and I hated you for a while. I saw the pictures on the internet and I would dream of ways to hurt you but then I realized it's not your fault! They brainwashed you against me my love!"

He came to the table and stretched out his hand for me to grasp...I sat there frozen for a second before I saw the look in Karen's eyes. I took his hand and he pulled me in close to him...the faint smell of pickles and eggs still lingered regardless of the exorbitant amount of cologne he was wearing. He started to swirl me around in circles as if we were waltzing to some phantom orchestra. I felt dead inside, dead and helpless and I knew he was physiologically unstable, officer Higgins had warned me about this oh lord how has it come to this?

"They brainwashed you against me Aria, they made you think I was insane and they made you think I was disgusting!"

"They didn't" I replied in shock.

" Yes...they did, I knew you could never love me the way I looked then, I knew that I repulsed you but I knew I needed to change...I had weight loss surgery facial reconstructive surgery and permanently changed the colour of my eyes. I chose blue like Jordan's eyes hahahaha"

I looked up at Luther and for a brief moment I allowed myself to feel some sympathy for him this mental illness must be like living inside your own prison 24/7.

"After I was satisfied I knew the time had come for me to finally rescue you from that horrid academy I knew that I had to complete the final phases of my plan for us to live happily together away from all those evil people I knew I had to make you mine officially...forever..." he let go of me and I gulped in panic I could only imagine what he was about to say next.

He reached into his Blazer pocket and bent down on the floor, he popped open the box to expose a large diamond ring.

" Aria marry me" I started to back away slowly, the breakfast was threatening to come up really fast now and I was so close to spilling my guts.

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