Chapter 6

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I am so weak! It’s true I should be locked up or something for not having a spine and there’s the fact that I'm in denial too oh yeah my friends always said it but I would always try to deny it and what does that really prove? That I'm denial about being denial which basically means I'm  such a good liar that I can even lie to myself, I mean how many times now have I told myself that I am so over him probably like a hundred, but all it takes is one little smile from him to turn me into a complacent little girl. Agggg! Damn you estrogen hormones damn you!

My thoughts were interrupted by the shrill ringing of the bell. Which signaled the end of the academic day and I slumped further into my seat feeling exhausted. All around me students gathered up their books and made a bee line for the door. Sullenly I did the same and once I was out of the classroom I made my way to my locker. That’s when I was confronted by Samantha Richie and her clones Melisa and Stacy Ry’back. I rolled my eyes, stood up straighter while crossing my arms over my chest.

“What do you want Samantha, I'm not in the mood for you today go beg for attention by your mother”

“Hah-aha” she laughed that fake sickly sweet laugh and flipped her shoulder length blonde hair over her shoulder.

“You are so funny” she said in an overly sarcastic tone and her clones joined in with her laughter. Seriously do all idiots have people follow them everywhere just so they can have an audience to laugh at their idiotic jokes? I thought as I watched them with growing animosity.

“You know what else is funny?” I asked in the sweetest manner.

“Not you so shut-up” I said dead pan.

The clones broke out in simultaneous giggles which was creepy considering that they were identical twins.

Samantha cleaned her teeth and glared at them.

“That’s not funny!” she revoked and the clones sobered up immediately.

“Sorry Sammy” said Melisa (well I'm assuming it was her since I can’t tell which ones which).

Samantha just rolled her eyes and focused her attention on me once again.

“Listen up you little brat!” she hissed all the sweet girl façade gone now.

“I don’t know what you think you’re doing but Jordan is mine so stay away from him” she said.

“Well I got an idea for you why don’t you stay away from me unless you want a free nose job…again” I said giving her the look that I only reserve animal abusers and rapists.

“Is that a threat?” she asked in her nasally voice. At the same time the clones looked on in utter shock. No one dare threatens Samantha Richie the-bona fide-queen-of-Livingstone. Well of course I'm an exception.

“No” I said sweetly.

“Just a friendly reminder, if I were to threaten you. Believe me you’d know.” I said while patting her on her shoulder.

Her eyes narrowed and she cleaned her teeth again.

“Count your lucky stars that I'm late for an appointment but this is not over.” She said

I rolled my eyes in annoyance.

“Let’s go girls” she demanded while snapping her fingers. I watched as she and the clones sashayed away. Because of course they don’t walk like normal people oh-no they shimmy as shake. (Retards)

I rubbed my temples as I felt a headache coming on. Luckily I still had some of Nurse Danny’s pills and slipped one in my mouth trying to prevent another major headache.

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