Chapter 11

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Sunday morning was uneventful and after the usual morning breakfast with the gang we all split up. Izzy, Randy and Mad's went down to the on campus chapel for the usual Sunday morning service. While Naz, being Muslim usually spent her Sunday mornings in the library studying for one or the other science Olympiad, I decided to spend my Sunday morning getting in some well deserved me-time. This entailed treating myself to a mani-padi, a much deserved facial and I even did my hair so now it billowed down my back in a straight glossy curtain of mahogany. After all that pampering my nails shined in the aqua blue polish that complemented my skin nicely and my skin had a radiant even toned glow to it, the dark circles under my eyes completely gone now. I decided to listen to some music on my iPod while I tidied up the room. A moment later the door swung open and in walked Izzy and Maddy. They both plunked down onto the tiny green sofa in front of the TV.

"How was the service?" I asked while folding a pair of my jeans and placing them in my drawer.

"It was good, Father Dominic was very insightful should have came it would have been nice," said Izzy giving me a sideways glance to see my reaction without looking suspicious.

I narrowed my eyes at her for as much as I loved her as a friend and regarded her as a sister the topic of faith and religion was a tricky one for us. Where as she was the daughter of a pastor and her mother and three older brothers were once members of an Amish Community in Pennsylvania ,I on the other hand had a mother who didn't particularly follow any faith and a father who (for all I knew) could be Muslim, Jewish or -heck- even Buddhist. So I suppose I haven't really discovered my spiritual place in this world but Izzy seems to have taken it upon herself to try and convert me with every chance she gets. By dropping not-so- subtle hints and making Christianity sound so perfect.

"Why... what was the sermon about" I asked dryly.

"The difference between love and lust and how important it is to resist temptation." It was Maddy who spoke.

My eyes widened at the thought of proper old Father Dom talking about such matters of lust and temptation.

"You're kidding right?" I said.

"No actually I'm not, he seemed really into it," said Maddy with a goofy grin.

"No I really am sorry I didn't go." I said chuckling at the thought of Father Dom talking about abstinence and handing out free condoms.

"Yeah, Randy was barely holding it together. I had to pinch him so he wouldn't start laughing." said Maddy.

"Well it wasn't funny okay" said Izzy with tight lips, her dark curls bouncing as she spoke.

"Chillax girl" said Maddy.

Izzy rolled her eyes,

"You know Aria it's not good to have no faith" she said evenly.

"Listen Izzy, God and I have a standing agreement."

"What is that?" she asked puzzled.

"I promise to believe in him and the Holy Spirit and baby Jesus and stuff if he lets me sleep in on Sundays." I said jokingly.

"You know that's not how it works," she said looking annoyed.

I simply shrugged.

"It's what works for me," I said feeling tired of the topic.

She shut her eyes slowly,

"It's just that, life is so much better after you find the lord," she said earnestly.

Maddy wrinkled her nose.

"I didn't know he was lost," she said and we both chuckled.

Izzy rolled her eyes clearly annoyed with us and she stood up to leave.

"I'm done with this, I'm going to find Naz," she said before slamming the door shut on her way out.

Suddenly I felt really bad, like a child that had been reprimanded. Sure she was a bit up tight and she carried a bible to most places but I shouldn't have taken her for a joke after all she is my best friend and her steadfast beliefs is what was endearing about her.

"I feel kinda bad now," I said to Maddy.

"Yeah me to," she said.

"I think we should apologies," I said.

"Let's give her some time to cool off, in the mean time I have four episodes of my favorite tella novella to catch up on," she said eagerly pushing the buttons on the remote.

"Which one ?" I asked raising my head from the pile on neatly folded clothes in my drawer.

"Forbidden Passions," she replied and I walked over to the couch.

"Scoot." I said to her before taking a seat.

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