Chapter 8

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The next morning I awakened feeling a bit worse for wear. Looking at my reflection in the mirror I saw faint bags under my eyes and my skin looked a bit paler than usual. My dark mahogany colored hair was a tangled mess so I decided to style it in a side braid in efforts to tame it. I got dressed at my own pace today considering it was Saturday and Saturdays were usually leisure days at the Academy. Izzy and I made our way down to the dining hall just in time for breakfast. We met up with Maddy, Naz and Alex... (Alex?) They were sitting at our usual table.

"Hey guys" Maddy said in her usual cheery tone and then went back to reading her morning horoscopes on her iPhone.

Naz and Alex didn't seem to notice our arrival as they seemed to be in deep conversation. I could only hear bits and pieces of their conversation, something about the Doppler Effect.

I took a seat next to Maddy and leaned over to take a peek at her screen.

"So what do the horoscopes predict for us today?" I asked.

"Well..." she said putting down her phone a delighted grin spreading across her face as it always did whenever anyone paid the slightest bit of interest in her horoscopes.

"It says that an unexpected romance has begun to blossom in the least likely of circumstances."

I raised my eyebrows and looked past Maddy to where Naz and Alex were seated. Usually I didn't give this horoscope stuff a second thought, but looking at the two of them it's actually a bit hard to dismiss. I furrowed my brows.

"Speaking of...what's going on between those two?" I said nodding my head in their direction.

Maddy shrugged

"Nerd love?" she said skeptically.

"How did this happen? I thought Naz doesn't date?" said Izzy.

"Well according to her, their connection is purely "intellectual" "

 I scoffed taking one last glance at the pair.

"Yeah right"

Izzy stood up

"Well I'm going to grab a bite, ya'll want anything?" she asked.

"I'll have some Cheerios and some O.J please" I responded.

"I already ate, but I'd like an apple please" said Maddy.

Izzy nodded and stole a glance at Naz and Alex who were still chatting away at the corner. She shrugged

"I'll be right back" said Izzy before she headed off to the Buffet area.

"Yo" said Randy before flopping down in the seat Izzy had been in just a few moments ago.

"Hey, you" I said giving him a shrug of the shoulder. He shrugged me right back before he leaned over to give Maddy a fist bump. Then he noticed Naz and Alex and raised his eyebrows to give me a pointed stare.

I just shrugged I was just as clueless about this new development as him.

It was just then that Izzy returned with a trey loaded with food.

"Oh, morning Randy" she said with a small smile.

"Yo" he said flashing a peace sign.

Izzy handed me my O.J and bowl of cheerios before taking her seat and then hurtling the apple across the table into Maddy's waiting hands.

"Nice" Randy said lazily while looking at Izzy. She blushed.

Maddy took a huge bite of her apple

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