Chapter 25

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After a couple of more minutes we made our way back to my dorm room Randy insisted on walking me, he said he didn't care if he got caught. We walked with our fingers interlaced. I was smiling the whole way, so was he I couldn't help but feel giddy. I just wanted to giggle all the time, it was so wired.

When we got to my door I fumbled with the key, my fingers were all slippery and wet and my hair was dripping all over the place. I finally manage to unlock and punch the door open. I waited by the door for a few minutes while we awkwardly said our goodbyes.

"So should probably get to your dorm, you know just in case someone sees us." I said awkwardly while averting my gaze. The truth is I wanted him to stay with me, but we would be alone in the room and I don't think I'd have enough self-control and might regret things in the morning.

"Yeah, sure...better safe than sorry right?" he chuckled, rubbing the back of his neck.

We stared at each other for a moment; he was so close that I could see the water droplets on his long lashes. We were both soaking wet and I was starting to get cold.

I leaned up on my tiptoes and kissed him on the cheek.

"Goodnight" I whispered as I walked in to the room and slowly closed the door while we both smiled coyly at each other. I leaned against the wall and took a deep breath, I couldn't believe this was happening and I had no idea how this would change our friendship but I didn't want to worry about those things right now, all I wanted to do was curl up in a ball and fall asleep. I grabbed a towel from my closet and a clean t-shirt, my favorite grey sweat pants and a pair of woolly socks. Once I was dry and dressed it had literally just taken me a few minutes to do so, I heard a light knocking on the door, I opened the door while still fluffing my hair with the towel and Randy stood waiting for me, in a few seconds I noted his change of clothes .

"I have no self-control" he said looking me straight in the eyes.

"Me neither" the words fell out of my mouth instantaneously I didn't even think about what I was saying.

He walked into the room slowly but once the door was closed 



 broke loose. 

He slammed me against the wall and instinctively my legs wrapped around his waist as we kissed and once again my body was on fire. He carried me towards my bed and we accidentally knocked over the lamp, plunging the room into darkness. We barely noticed, my heart beat went insane as he laid me down on the bed and planted a string of kisses down my neck. The feel of his weight on top of me was strange and yet comforting. My hands seemed to have a mind of their own as I began to tug the corners of his shirt. I pulled it up half way before he reached over and finished the job. I ran my hands up and down his firm chest as I reveled in the sensation. His hands roamed under my shirt and up my chest. It was too late when I realised I wasn't wearing a bra. The anxiety mixed with all the sexual tension worked almost as a drug and I lost all my senses and who knows how far we would have ended up going if we hadn't been interrupted..

I was the first to hear a key turning in the door, we both froze as we heard a familiar voice from the other end of the room. The figure seemed to be fumbling for the light switch.

"Ari wake up, some kids at camp got diarrhea so we cut our trip short by two days and I-"

The light switch came on and her jaw dropped, I felt like a deflated balloon. I can imagine what she saw; Randy was shirtless hovering above me in my bed. Yeah, it was exactly what it looked like and to a super religious person like Izzy I bet it didn't look good. I quickly sat up and Randy fumbled around for his shirt. Meanwhile Izzy just stood there in shocked silence, when she finally spoke it blew me away.

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