Chapter 38

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It was hard not to feel blessed after all they had done for me, tonight this welcome party just really hit home to me how lucky I am to have my friends and how much I truly needed to work on being a better friend.

The rest of the evening was spent in a haze of fun and laughter, Joe provided the good food the music was great and at one point even I got up on the stage to participate in the Karaoke. I did apologies to them afterwards though for having to hear my horrendous singing signing voice. When the night was over, I felt a pang of sadness... the type of feeling you would get on a Sunday evening because you knew that the next day was school. I didn't want the night to end, or the feeling of melancholy to creep back when it was quite enough for me to focus on my own thoughts.

When it was time to leave I opted to drive back with Randy so I could be alone with him and finally get off my chest everything I have been meaning to tell him for the longest time. We got into his car and Randy started to reverse out of the parking lot, the light of the full moon flooded into the car giving his skin an almost blue-ish tint. He smiled as he drove, the faint dimple in his left cheek becoming apparent. He seemed so happy that without thinking much of it I reached out to run my hands through his hair, I noticed he had let it grow out allot since that night at the pool, It suited him.

He smiled at me for a moment before turning his attention back to the road.

"Hey Rands" I said still stroking his hair.

"Yeah" he said in response.

"Let's take a detour; I wanna go to the beach" I said.

"At this hour?" he responded his tone indicating he was taken aback by my request as he looked at the dash board; the time read 9:45 pm.

"I don't really think that's the safest thing..." he said sounding hesitant.

I quickly motioned for him to look at the rear-view mirror where he saw Peter following closely behind us in a town car.

"The body guard is always near, it's totally safe." I reassured him.

He looked at me for a moment slightly biting his lip as if he were deliberating before he finally rolled his eyes and turned the car around heading in the direction of Sundance Beach.

"Noble it's not fair that you know I can't say no to you" he said in a joking tone.

I let out a small chuckle before responding.

"Yeah, we both know my powers of persuasion are off the charts."

He flicked my nose before he said

"Brag!" and I responded with sticking my tongue out at him.

The drive to Sundance beach didn't take long, we arrived in less than ten minutes and Randy parked the car at the lot that directly faced the horizon. It was a full moon and the way the moonlight shone on the ocean made it look like the sea had thousands of shining diamonds dancing in its depths, it was a familiar sight to me, yet I still marvelled at its beauty each time.

Beside me Randy unbuckled his seat belt and unlocked the doors about to get out of the car but I put a hand on his lap indicating for him to stay.

"You don't want to take a walk?" he asked in confusion his left brow quirked up.

I pressed the button to roll down the window of the passenger seat a bit and immediately the sounds of the ocean engulfed the car and smells drifted in on the soft breeze that kissed the loose tendrils of my hair.

I looked at Randy shaking my head,

"We need to talk Rands" my voice came out calm and collected masking my inner anxiety.

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