Chapter 15

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I was quiet for the rest of the breakfast, everything just felt extremely awkward to me and thankfully Maddy had enough sense not to tell Randy what was going on with Izzy. Even though he asked-repeatedly-and I had the sneaking suspicion that he liked her too. 

“Seriously guys,” he began for like the third time.

“What’s up with Ellice, why did she just walk off like that?”

I rubbed my temples my good mood starting to dissipate.

“Randy can you please just drop it; I mean we know as much as you do and if you really want to find out what’s up with her then ask her yourself.” I said but it came out sounding hasher than I had meant it to.

“What is wrong with all of you today is it like some PMS thing or what?”

I let out a sigh,

“Maybe, I dunno...right know I feel like I'm pms'ing harder than a drag queen on crack.” I spat and there was an awkward silence for a while and I looked at him straight in the eye and we both started laughing.

Maddy just looked at us as if we were nuts and that just made me laugh harder. Finally when we sobered up I managed to use my words again.

“I’m sorry Randy I didn’t mean to sound so harsh, forgive me?”

He looked thoughtful,

“I don’t know, I think you have to beg a little.”

I put on my most innocent smile and pinched my cheeks

“Please,” I said and then I started pinching his cheeks.

“Pretty please,” I said batting my lashes.

He tried to swat my hands away but he’s efforts where futile.

“Oh how can I resist?” he said smiling at me and he pulled me into a big bear hug.

“Just so you know I will make you regret that PMS comment.”

He let out a chuckle and I felt it reverberate through his chest and just like that everything was good between us again.


It was almost the end of third period History class and as usual the class was rowdy. Mr. Clarkson had assigned some class work for us to do but Randy and I were more focused on our conversation than the assigned activity.

“So my band is playing at the Shack again tomorrow evening are you coming?”

I thought about what happened after the last time his band played, but I shrugged of that memory.

“Yeah, I will tots be there.” I said my faked enthusiasm surprising even me.

Just at that moment Mr. Clarkson looked up from whatever it was he was doing and zeroed in on us.

“Randy the answers are in the text book, not in Miss Noble’s face,” the class erupted in to laughter and Randy looked kind of embarrassed and I felt kind of pissed. It was just amazing how he would justify choosing to pick on us when the entire class was rowdy.

He stood up from his desk and positioned himself in front of the class. He made a gesture with his hands to quiet down the class and once he received the desired attention he spoke.

“I would like to remind you all that tomorrow you will all be writing a class test on the work we have covered so far—”

The whole class let out a moan including me, however, this did not deter him in any way.

“It does count towards the end of term total so I suggest you all study, no one is allowed to be absent for any reason other than death,” he said frankly.

A boy from the back of the class raised his hand and I soon realized that it was Douglas Lavery.

“Yes Mr. Lavery,” Mr. Clarkson acknowledged him.

“What about sexual exhaustion.” He asked trying to be a smart ass and the whole class broke out into laughter again.

Mr. Clarkson pursed his lips and waited patiently for the class to settle down and then he said.

“That’s still not an excuse Doug; you can always use your other hand.”

The class erupted into mad fits of laughter and Mr. Clarkson seemingly satisfied walked out of the room. Randy and I were laughing uncontrollably and I let out low whistle and aimed my next words to Doug who sat only a few feet away from us.

“Somebody get some Advil because you just got burned.”

This only made Doug look even more pissed off and the  laughter enduced tears that had formed in my eyes were now falling down my cheeks.

The bell rang a minute later and we all waited while the notices were being read before we headed off to break. 

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