Chapter 27

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Randy' P.O.V

It was hard not to think about the worst case scenario as I sat at the desk of detective Carson filing a missing persons report. She was has been nearly 48 hours since her disappearance, since I told her I loved her, since I yelled at her...A striking pain hit my chest as the realization hit me that it may have been the last words I would ever say to her. The guilt alone was crushing me coupled with the fear of never seeing her again.

"Mr. Callaghan...are you with us?" officer Cummings stern voice snapped me out of my thoughts.

"Err...yes I am now" I replied as I looked at Izzy sitting beside me she hasn't stoped crying since we left the academy to come to the police station I think Aria's disappearance impacted her particularly hard as well. Maddy was trying to console her and Jordan stood in the corner in silence he hasn't spoken more than three words since we found out about her disappearance I had no Idea what he was thinking.

" A report just came in from our people at the turns out the blood droplets found in the court yard are indeed a match for Aria Noble we also found a couple of strands of blonde hair that match the DNA samples of Samantha Richie" officer Cummings continued.

"This at least lets us know that they were together before their disappearance, can any of you tell us if this is perhaps done of their own free will."

"No way" one of the Ry'back twins piped up "Samantha loved her life at Livingstone she would never..."

Detective Carson looked to me as if to ask what about Aria? My gut churned a bit as I recalled how horribly we treated her, I shook my head.

"You found traces of her fresh blood in the court yard of course she didn't run away...somebody took her!"

"We just need to figure out who" Jordan spoke for the first time since our arrival and I agreed with him.

Arias P.O.V

I felt paralyzed...I couldn't move or open my eyes but I could hear my surroundings. I heard people whispering in the distance and I heard someone weeping beside me. I tried desperately to move but I just couldn't. My throat was so dry all I wanted was a glass of water. It felt like fire in my chest every time I inhaled. Slowly my senses were returning to me... I could feel the hard floor I was lying on and the taste of blood in my mouth. The sensation was returning to my fingers and toes and if I tried hard enough I could wiggle them. I felt myself being shaken and sure enough my eyes fluttered open and I was met by a cascade of blonde hair.

This was too strange what was going on...why did every inch of my body feel like it's been ran over by a bus.

"Samantha?" I managed a whisper she gave me a crooked smile and disappeared for a moment before returning with a glass of water. She helped prop me up and placed the glass to my lips. I lapped it up eagerly forgetting for a moment how strange it was that she would be helping me. When I finished the water I looked around slowly taking in my surroundings. We were in a tiny room without four walls ...the room was circular with and exceptionally high ceiling it gave me a sense of vertigo. The room was dark and musky with only two worn out mattresses on the floor and a table with a pitcher of water on top.

"Where are we?" I asked as my head began to spin.

"I don't know...this is the place they took us after they kidnapped us."

"Kidnapped?" I echoed in shock.

" Don't you remember that night at Livingstone ?"

In a matter of seconds it all came back to me Izzy crying and Randy walking away from me ...the attackers the chloroform and all the blood... I began to panic trying to stand up.

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