Sorry, I'm Late😢

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I am very bad that Alice is suffering because of me, I promised myself not to make Alice cry, I am worried, I am walking from left side to right side with tension, we are waiting for the doctor, later Jin, Jungkook, Suga, RM, Jimin, Jhope came to the hospital, I hugged them and I burst out my tears, everyone consoling me.

I am very bad that Alice is suffering because of me, I promised myself not to make Alice cry, I am worried, I am walking from left side to right side with tension, we are waiting for the doctor, later Jin, Jungkook, Suga, RM, Jimin, Jhope came to ...

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Jin: It's okay, don't cry, she will be okay.

Suga: I know she is so strong, please don't worry V

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Suga: I know she is so strong, please don't worry V.

Jimin: Yes Gucci, we are all here for you.

The later manager came to the hospital, I dragged him towards me and shouted at him.

V: Why did you stop me at that time, if you don't stop me, my Alice would be safe, I could save her, but you.....

Jhope: V, please calm down, don't worry.

Manager: I am so sorry V, I only think about our reputation, I don't know what it will be lead to far.

After a few mins:

The doctor came out we ran towards the doctor and asked about Alice's health condition.

Doctor: There is nothing to worry about, she fainted because of afraid and illness that's it.

Jin: Is it okay to take her home now? doctor.

Doctor: Not now, she needs some rest, you can get here tomorrow early morning.

V: Okay doctor.

Manager: Doctor, can you manage with media please, I don't want to spoil BTS.

V: No need for that, I am going to deal with reporters and media, leave it to me.

Ara, Chinshu are standing aside and waiting to see Alice, but no one is allowed for a few hours, so we are waiting for that time, after a few mins, jimin went near Chinshu and started flirting with her and Jhope with Ara.

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