Chapter Thrity-Eight

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It had been three weeks since Zayn gave birth to their baby girl and two weeks since he was allowed to leave the hospital considering the birth didn't go one-hundred percent as expected.

It was nine p.m. and everyone besides he and Louis were asleep. They were both lying on their sides legs tangled together, one hand holding the others and the other hand resting on the others hip. There wasn't much conversation just soft kisses and caressing of skin.

"You know," Louis whispered after a while dragging his hand from Zayns waist to cup his cheek, "everything would be some much easier if you were in the band."

Zayn smiled laughing quietly before shaking his head, "I couldn't do it. I don't think I could handle that kind of fame. You're gone for months and you have almost no rest, I like my downtime. I like being able to see my family and I like flying under the radar. Just going out of the house with you gives me anxiety. I wouldn't to well with that stress love."

"It would have been nice though, sharing hotels, having each other to help get through home sickness and getting to hear you sing without me having to beg you."

"Where's all of this coming from babe?" Zayn asked propping himself up on his elbow, wincing slightly at his still tinder abdomen.

Louis sighed and rolled over to his back "You'd think leaving would get easier over time. I leave for the last leg of our tour next weekend and I don't want to go. I have the boys and you and a new baby at home."

"It's okay that you're going to miss us Lou, but this is your job and you love doing it. We'll be here when you get back, we will always be here. I love you as does Damian and Elijah and Majidah."

Louis smiled "Promise?"

Zayn shifted leaning forward and capturing Louis' lips making Louis wrap his arms around his waist and pull him closer.

"I love you too, Z. I can't picture my life without you in it." Louis whispered lips still brushing against his lovers.

"And you'll never have too."


As soon as Louis kissed everyone goodbye and closed the door Elijah turned to him with tears in his eyes, "Daddy, whys dad always leaving me?"

Zayn sighed kneeling down to his sons height "He makes music baby you know that and when you make music you have to travel and make sure people hear it. Your dad has the amazing job of working with his best friends and making millions of people happy." We he saw that neither Elijah or Damian were amused by his answer his kissed them nth on the forehead "your dad loves you more than anything in this world, that's why when he is home he makes you pancakes-"

"He burns them." Damian mumbled

"He tries." Zayn laughed "He just wants you to know he loves you so he tries. Breakfast, games, toys, cuddles and story time, that's how he shows his love, okay? So yeah he's gone a lot but he loves you so much."

"We love him too, even if he's busy." Damian spoke while Elijah nodded.

"Good, how was lunch then? Dad bought the smiley fries and the dinosaur nuggets yesterday." It was a lie, Louis didn't but them he did yesterday while Luis was playing in the back garden with the boys but, the answering cheer and the sound of their feet running towards the kitchen and talking about how 'awesome dad is' was worth it.


Zayn was holding Majidah for one of her nightly feedings. She was wearing a onesie Niall and Harry had gotten for her, a little sock monkey, and Zayn had to admit it was one of his favorites. She had beautiful tan skin, maybe a shade lighter than Zayn with chestnut colored brown hair to match Louis'. Her eyes however where a greenish Zayn had forgotten how much he hated one, three and five am feedings. He'd forgotten how much he loved having two boys who slept as much as he did. Majidah though was always up, it was like she took short little naps rather than full sleeps.

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