Chapter Thirteen

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"I don't want you to go Zayn" Louis whined throwing Zayn's suitcase on the floor spilling everything Zayn had just packed out. 

This was the first time since they started dating two years ago that they were going to be apart longer than a day.

"Jesus Lou!" he snapped "That's the sixth fucking time, stop it. It's only for two weeks and I'm gonna miss you too." Zayn smiled kissing Louis' forehead

"But it's America and it's New York the city that never sleeps, so much can happen."

Zayn raised an eyebrow crossing his arms over his chest looking at him "Like what exactly?"

"I don't know" he mumbled shyly biting his lip "There could be some other fit bloke there and he could sweep you off your feet and yeah."

He threw his head back and laughed at his boyfriend, "No one else will have your bum" he smirked "no one else with have eyes the right shade of blue, no one else with have your stupid brown feathery hair and most importantly no one will have my heart. Therefore, no one is sweeping or taking me anywhere."

"I was trying to be serious you twat."

"You're being dramatic Louis, It'll all be fine and I'll come back and you'll feel stupid for ever feeling like this." 

Zayn walked over and sat on Louis' lap one leg on each side of his body while Louis wrapped his arms around Zayn's waist. 

"You're a complete nutter but I love you Lou" he whispered his lips lightly grazing Louis' cheek bones

"And you're just a twat but I still love you Zayn" he smiled and turned his head to catch Zayn's lips.


The next few days went by easily for Zayn. Louis and Liam had taken care of the boys in the morning so that he was able to sleep in or just lay in bed and have alone time. It's been nice for Zayn, he feels less tense and less stressed.

He was laying in bed when his phone started playing a specific ringtone signaling that it was his office, he hasn't been in for the last few days to check on anything, so he automatically assumed something was wrong.

"Hello?" he spoke worriedly in to the phone.

"Hi Mr Malik, it's me Stacey the new intern. Anyways, Katy Perry's agent called and she's going to a charity gala on Saturday in New York and she specifically wants you to be there with her pulling options for what to wear." She rambled "I told her you'd been out of the office dealing with a family emergency like Miranda's been telling me to say but her Agent is pushy and so I called you."

"Well..." Zayn thought about it for a minute. Damian has been fascinated with the Statue of Liberty since Waliyha went and bought him a souvenir. He went weeks talking about it and making Zayn tell him facts about it constantly and Elijah, well anywhere with good pizza is amazing to him. "I'll go. Call her agent and tell her I'm in and I'll have plenty of gowns for her I choose from. It's Thursday now, I'm assuming she wants me there Saturday morning so we have all day to go over our options?" 

"She wants you Friday for outfit selection then on Saturday for the final look."

Zayn sighed starting to feel slightly rushed.

"Book a flight for me and my kids for later tonight and text me the details." He muttered before ending the call.

"Well there go my plans." Liam smirked leaning against the door frame making Zayn jump

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