Chapter Twenty-Three

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Louis' and Zayn's first date was a disaster, at  first. Louis was twenty minutes late, he'd taken a left turn somewhere when he should've taken a right. Once they had arrived at the restaurant they were late for their reservation so they ended up having to wait another thirty minutes until another table was available. Once at the table Louis had bumped it a bit to hard while adjusting the seat and ended up spilling Zayn's glass of water. 

The conversation wasn't flowing easily like Louis would've liked and it was frustrating him. Yes Zayn was a quiet person even at school it wasn't easy to get him to talk, but once Louis, after almost a month of begging, had gotten his phone number it wasn't so hard. Zayn joked around said how he felt and didn't hold anything back, even when Louis thought he should've.

Zayn was nervous, yes they'd been talking for over a month and yes he knew Louis had to like him even a little to ask him out on a date but a date made everything real. They were no longer in their little world of text messages and midnight phone calls, if something went wrong that would be it, it'd be over. 

He felt bad because he could see how badly Louis wanted him to be comfortable and for him not to be so shy. 

They were waiting for dessert to come when Louis excused himself to the restroom. Zayn was texting his sister about how he was ruining the date, how he had all these things he wanted to say but he couldn't get himself to even form the words. He was just about to tell her this would be the end of their relationship before it even started when Louis walking back to the table caught his eye. 

Louis sat down and looked up to see Zayn biting down on his lower lip smiling trying to hold back his obvious laughter and Louis automatically deflated. He instantly assumed Zayn never wanted to go on this date and that everything leading up to this had been some joke, fuck knows why, but Louis wasn't going to play into it anymore. 

"We should just go then, yeah." Louis snapped

Zayn straightened up in his seat cocking his head to the side and looking at Louis with wide amber eyes "Why, whats wrong?" 

"It's obvious you're not in to this I mean, fuck Zayn, you're literally laughing at me to my face!" Louis scoffed

"What?" Zayn asked because he was genuinely confused he wasn't necessarily laughing at Louis "No, that's not it, I really do want to be here it's just..." He paused trying to figure out the best way to say it "You've got toilet paper on your shoe." and then he lost it. He clutched his stomach trying to laugh quietly but failing each time he looked over at Louis who quickly leaned down to pick the tissue off of him. 

And that was all they needed to break the ice, it happened halfway through the date but it happened non-the-less. After that the conversation flowed easily the talked about Louis playing football for their school, about Zayn's art class he took on weekend at a local art gallery and they, well mostly Louis, talked about how much they liked one another. 

It started off less that perfect but it ended up leading to another date the very next night, then another the weekend after. 


Louis was sitting in Zayn's living room playing candy crush on his phone. He'd been waiting thirty minutes to get dressed, it only took him fifteen minutes so he couldn't understand what was taking so long. 

He was just about to go knock on Zayn's door to see what was going on when he heard the door open a softly close a few moments later. He could hear Zayn's boots against the hard wood floor and he instantly became nervous. He took a shaky breath and wiped his slightly sweaty hands on his black tight skinny jeans. 

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