HALLOWEEN SPECIAL: Sweet Mayhem and the Story of the Haunts of Xer Peryltux

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(Hello, and thanks so far for reaching my Halloween story update!

I've announced earlier about a story that was perfect for this event, with descriptions and a sneak peek up there, and now, I've finally made and published it for you to enjoy!

Let me know what you feel after reading this story in the comments below. If you really loved it, and trust me, you're going to love the ending.

Thank you, and Happy Halloween, folks!)


Sweet Mayhem and the Story of the Haunts of Xer Peryltux

(WARNING: Contains depictions of blood, gore, supernatural horrors and scenes of murder. Read at your own risk.)

It was a quiet and calm night at the forest campsite in the forests near Syspocalypstar, and the Specials, not including Metalbeard, Wa'nabi and Batman, were all gathered and sitting down around the blazing campfire, feeling comfortable and calm.

They're having their usual fun around the campfire, singing songs, making s'mores and even sharing stories of their past adventures, all while they're wrapped in blankets and feeling warm near the fire.

They're all finished with their turns, each already told their story, until it was Sweet's turn to tell her own.

"Hey, Sweet," Lucy told her, "It's your turn now."

"Yeah, make it good, okay?" Unikitty added, snuggling tight on her enormous pink and white quilt blanket. "It must not like Benny's story about seeing meteors and stuff. It's so b-o-o-o-ring…!"

"Come on! That's my favorite one, okay?" Benny went in, offended.

"Maybe make it scary, then?" Emmet told her.

Sweet knew it's her turn already. "Yeah, I know, and I'm sure of it, I have this one to share with you guys. Promise, it's gonna be scary."

"Yeah," Lucy yawned, adjusting her black blanket close to her waist, which covered her legs. "You know what Unikitty said. Make it good."

Sweet knew that already, and so she posed herself in a way she's about to scare someone, and the Specials knew she's about to do so that they all turned to her with willing faces.

"Okay, shall we begin?" she said, then starts moving her hands to start her story, saying her words in a creepy voice.

"It all begins on a quiet night…"

It was a quiet night, and, right here on this grounds, three decades long ago, there used to be a beautiful summer camp.

That camp was there once before it was completely demolished, and anyone here knows, this place was said to be haunted.

"Haunted?" Unikitty was starting to shiver with fear. "By what?"

"I'm not sure," Sweet told her. "But I'll make up on what caused them to haunt this place. Let me continue…"

They say, this place was being haunted by an angry ghost of a man who once lived on this place. He once lived with a neighborhood filled with children, in this case, he lived once in a beautiful wooden summer house close to the summer camp itself.

That man was a rich man, a wealthy one, very handsome and wears a suit that says to attract lots of ladies like flies on rotten fruit. He has the coolest looking hair and a smile no one will compare at his time.

"Whoa, that sounds like some character you came up from a romantic novel you read, Sweets," Lucy told her. "Is it?"

Sweet felt blushed at her reply. "Uh, maybe?"

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