Your Books are Special, and So Are You

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(Note: I have to mention here NerdyUnicorns101 for answering the riddle in "‘nother Riddle", the previous chapter of this book. She got the answer right [and only she did, unfortunately] so it's promised. Thanks for that, friendo!)

Ever feel like you are some worthless writer here on Wattpad?

I know, sounds sad and painful.

It's mostly the truth to those that have positive traits and negative traits mixed in while being a writer.

I mean, you did make stories, you have thousands (or rather hundreds or just a few) of your fellow readers and writers (if I emphasize followers), your stories are so good they are voted and commented on, added to reading lists, placed in their libraries...

...then this happens.

You start to feel like you're tired of it. No one was paying attention to your stories. No one was reading your story. No votes. No comments either. And all that crazy stuff you just get in your notification boards. And all the nonsense messages. And all that abuse from crazy folks. All else.

You feel it?

...and to be honest, I kinda did, too.

You see, I'm but a fanfic (and original story) writer and have been doing those books for three years now (if I said it right). Yes, I did what I could: I did art, I write good plots, I have all the she-bang that was there in the stories like they just came out of a movie or TV show or anything else.

But there's this one.

Nobody reads my original stories. Not even my recent one ("Heroes of My Universe"). Of course, nobody likes originals. Some crazy folks can read my fanfics, yes, but it never goes on some of my other books.

...and then, there's this.

You started thinking, "Okay, ___, you are a good writer and all, but there are several people out there in this website that are much better than you, in terms of writing and popularity. You're worthless, give it up."

Thought of that?

If you did, then welcome to the worthless writer's club, pal.

You think your writing was trash. Not good. Too many mistakes. Or could be that your story was trash. Trashy, very trashy. Or could be that the story was good to you that seems trash to others. Or could be that you are that shy to even write a story and let it go off to be seen against the world. Or could be...

...okay, maybe it's too much of those.

Okay, your brain (or that crazy troll inside you) had made you think of those crappy stuff, and I'll admit, it's all true. Especially if outside factors (school, family, personal issues) affected those things. So bad.

I mean, come on! We are kinda busy sometimes! We have other important things besides Wattpad! All that!

Some of us might think of going to other fanfiction websites (can't say a few here, privacy reasons) which was better than Wattpad just to avoid all the crap and the gross stuff and the ads.

Yep. ADS. Advertisements, got it?

...okay, maybe it's a bit too far.

Buddy, I know how you feel. You think, even if you just post useless announcements on your profile, think your story wasn't heard of. Or you haven't have the motivation for writing.

Face it pal. I have it, too.

Okay, I admit, I'm a bit crappy. In terms of story concepts, but all my words have 99.9% no spelling mistakes. My art is a bit terrible (of course, I use an old computer, for crying out loud). It's wrong in terms of a professional writer. "Amateur".

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