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Kobe pulled into the driveway, it had bookoo cars and you could see inside. They four of you got down walking inside. When you walked in it was loud smelled like drugs and dark with LEDs. It was your first party so you really didn't know what to expect.

Kobe: Come on get a drink( he yelled over the loud music)

You follow him and go to the table with the drinks he hands you a red cup and grabs himself one. Y/n takes a sip and spit it back into the cup and put it down. She went walk around and found a table with no one sitting by it. A light skinned girl with tattoos walked by your table and sat down

??: Hi
You: hey
??: Im Jordan
You: I'm y/n, your very pretty
Jordan: You too, did you come here by yourself?
You: no I came with my boyfriend and his friends
Jordan: Really where are they
You: Honestly idk
Jordan: well let's go look
You: ok

You get up and Jordan followed behind you. You look around and soon fund Kobe, he wasn't drunk but he wasn't sober.

You: Hey baby
Kobe: Theirs my fine girl
You: I want you to meet Jordan
Kobe: Hi Jordan
Jordan: Hello
You: Well let's go

Jordan dragged y/n onto the floor to dance.

You: I don't want to dance
Jordan: come on

A song Jordan liked came on and she started throwing it back.

Jordan: come on

You decide to join in because the music is a vibe. The two of you are just having fun. The night slowly went on and Kobe, Jai and angel was on three different chairs passed out. Jordan helped y/n bring them to the car and she was about to get in before Jordan stopped her.

Jordan: Hey put your number in( she pulled her phone out)
You: I had fun tonight
Jordan: me too, I'll talk to you tomorrow
You: ok

Luckily you weren't drunk so you were able to drive home. All the boys got down very wobbly. Y/n brought Kobe up to their room and layed gum on the bed. She took a shower and layed on the side of him. Goodnight she said and kissed him on the cheek, falling to sleep

 Goodnight she said and kissed him on the cheek, falling to sleep

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