Another Day At School

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Kris pov

I arrived at the school expecting to walk in alone. Imagine my surprise when I saw susie, birdly and noelle waiting outside for me.

"yo kris! Your here early for once" susie said pulling me into a armlock.

"kris is becoming a model student. I must have rubbed off on him" birdly said proudly.

"oh god like we need another one of you" susie rolled her eyes.

"hey be nice everyone" noelle giggled.

"let's just go inside" I rolled my eyes fondly at them.

(time skip)

The minute we walked down the hallway everyone immediately started murmuring among each other.

"I can't believe susie hanging around with so many people. I mean I understand kris since he's already a weirdo but birdly and noelle? There supposed to be the smart kids not the class rebals!"

Normally me and susie would ignore these kind of comments since we were use to them but it looks like noelle and birdly have other ideas.

"your wrong dear classmates. Kris is not a weirdo. He is a alpha gamer!" birdly said wrapping an arm around me.

"and susies nice once you get to know her" noelle she kindly.

The other students stared at them in disbelief. Me and susie looked at each other in surprise. Is this what it's like to have friends?

We took a seat in class. Alphes started handing out a quiz to us.

Birdly gasped "I didn't study yesterday for the test. I'm going to get a bad grade!"

"relax birdbrain" susie ruffled his feathers "you agreed that you would try being stupid for a while. Remember no one else gives a crap if your smart or dumb"

He nodded with an nervous smile. I raised an eyebrow. What's up with him? Maybe he's worried about looking bad in front of his peers but somehow I feel like it's something different.

After a long day at school we all returned home.

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