Azzys Here!

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Asreils pov

I stood in front of the storage closet with a nervous feeling in my stomach. That skeleton guy said that I would find my brother in this closet. I don't know understand how kris could be here of all places but this is my best bet right now.

I threw open the closet door. The entire hallway turned pitch black. What the hell? How could one closet take out every light in the building? Well I guess the only way to find out is to go in.

Kris pov

We were all sitting in a circle trying to think of a way to take out this oncoming threat when.


We turned our attention to the entrance. Somebody has fallen down. We ran over to see...

"asreil!" my eyes filled with tears. It's really him. It's really my big brother!

"kris!" he pulled me into a bear hug or I guess in this case a goat hug "I was so worried when I heard to went missing"

"yeah sorry about that" I muttered guiltily "come on azzy I got to show you around the dark world" I tried to drag him around the dark world but he stayed rooted on the spot "azzy?"

He sighed "kris I need to take you home. You have no idea how much you've made mom and dad worry"

"what?" I took a step back "azzy I can't go home. They still need my help to-"

"kris you have no idea how much trouble you've caused" asreil snapped "now you are coming home to ease mom's mind" he grabbed me by the wrist and tried to drag me away when..

"like hell we're letting you take him away" my friends grabbed me by waist. I was stuck in a deadly tug of war.

"guys this is silly just let go"

"your silly!"

"I mean it let go right now-"

Their argument was cut off by everything going black.

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