Spamtons Deals

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Spamtons pov

"oh boy oh boy its time for some [deals to hide the pain inside]" I said to myself as I skipped down the long stairway.

Before all this I was planning on [helping] kris by taking us both to [heaven] but he never [came around] so now I'm stuck [selling sponges for the amazing price of 4.99] to [hide my suffering]. I only have one more clint to deal with. That damn [clown around town]

I opened his cage with a [winning smile] "hello dear customer. Its your favourite [number one rated salesman 1997]spamton G spamton!"

"oh?" he tilted his head in curiosity. Brilliant! That's exactly what a [puppet] loves to see!

"your my [dispicable creature] are in for a treat" I pulled out the things I was selling "I've got niknacks, gadgets and [hyperlink blocked] all for your viewing pleasure!"

"I see" he leaned in closer "your just like me me!"

I started to sweat "I don't know what you're talking about you [lying rat]

He didn't give up "you know the truth of this world don't you? And you've become a prisoner as a result of that truth"

"Well what would you know about the [truth of this world]" I grabbed him by the throat and started squeezing "you don't understand anything! Now take the deal you [utter failer]"

"oh I do understand my friend" he petted my head, seamingly unbothered by the [lack of oxygen] "I understand the isolation of being pushed away by other who don't understand and the frustration that comes with it"

I let go of him and fell to my knees with tears in my eyes. He understands me. Finally someone understands.

"and since you're just like me I'm going to let you in on a secret" he had a mischievous grin on his face as he leaned in and whispered "he's coming back"

My eyes widened. The [mysterious caller] is coming back?

The jester giggled "won't things get interesting once he returns? Think of all the chaos chaos he cause!"

I took off running. I have to tell someone. I have to stop it before it's [darker yet darker]

the five abandoned children (deltarune Au) Where stories live. Discover now