My "Soal"

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Kris pov

I woke up in a dark room with a bright red light in the centre. Slowly I made my way towards it. It revealed itself to be a soal.

But its not my soal.

Throwout my adventure in the dark world I felt a presence overtake me. Like I was a puppet on strings. Sure the presence didn't do anything bad. In fact it kinda helped since I've never been good with saying the right things to new people like susie, ralsai and lancer but it also made me feel like...

My choices don't matter.

Suddenly the soul formed into a person. Their face was blank and held no emotion. Suddenly the person started smiling.

"greeting I am the player. I'm so glad we can finally interact"

"player? Like a video game?" I tilted my head in confusion.

"yeah that's not really something I can explain" they sweated nervously "anyway kris I want to ask you. How did you enjoy your adventure?"

"yeah it was incredible- hey I should be the one asking the questions!" I yelled.

"hmm good point" they shrugged "very well kris ask away"

"ok I really have one question. Why have you taken over my body" I said looking them up and down.

"oh well you see I was sent into this world as a soul. Your Soal! Now you and me are kinda stuck together" they chuckled.

"ok I think I understand" I muttered. So I'm stuck with this presence and helplessness around me forever. Damnit!

"kris" I felt them gently petting my head. It felt warm and safe somehow. Like when mom pets my head "I know this is scary but just know I want nothing but the best for you. Don't forget I'm with you in the dark"

They turned back into a soal and went back into my chest. That warm feeling filled my body...

And then I woke up.

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