Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

"But mother-" she cuts me off by giving me that all knowing look

"You will live with your father when I pass and that is the end of it" she said before putting the oxygen mask back on.

I look her in the eyes slowly my eyes begin to build with water, she opens her arms to me and I happily climb into her bed with her hugging my mother.

She moves the mask again and kisses my fore head "I love you Emma and remember that always."

I smile "I love you mummy" she laughs at the name from sounding babyish

Then she looks me in the eyes almost like she needed to say something important. Shaking her head she touches my gothic black cross necklace before kissing it then looking back at me.

I thrown when I feel warmth run from my necklace "what did you do mom?" I said taking my necklace in my hand

"Something that will help you, I never told you before but you don't get the shifter gene from me. You get it from your father and this will make sure you seem human no matter what-" she stops looking me in the eyes with a tear running down her face "you are special baby and remember you are more powerful than anyone thinks remember I always love you baby girl mama loves you" she says kissing my forehead hard before closing her eyes and falling back into the pillow.

"Mom what do you mean" I asked but she doesn't respond "mom" I get her and shake her

I feel her skin and it's turning cold

"MOM!!!!!" I scream just as the hospital door opens and doctors run in.

Someone grabs me from behind but I elbow them and run to my mother's body hugging it "come on mom wake up please you can't leave me" my voice comes out but brakes as I begin to cry.

A nurse comes over.

"You need to let her go now Emma" the male nurse said.

I nod my head slowly letting go and laying her back down and kissing her head before walking with the nurse out the room.

I get out the door and sit on a chair, the nurse sits with me "is there anyone I can contact for you"

I sigh turning my head to him "No its fine I need to go home and pack"

He nods rubbing my back before getting up and walking away leaving me with my thoughts.

I don't know what to do now I really don't... my father lives in Canada with two of his sons and wife.

Yeah I know he basically packed up and moved before my mother that she was pregnant he told my mother he found his mate or something. All I know is that is something to do with my shifter.

My names Emma Johnson and I'm a wolf shifter.

My wolf is white but turns silver when I'm angry.

I don't know why but it does anyway...I turned into my wolf on my 10th birthday that was 7 years ago and ever since than I can do so much more.

I'm brought out my thoughts when I get a tap on my shoulder; I look up to see the doctor that had been treating my mother.

"I'm sorry we tried all we could but nothing worked. I really am sorry but we found this under her pillow it was addressed to you" he said handing me the letter and walking off

Turning the letter around I begin to open the seal and take it out opening it slowly.

My baby girl if you are reading this then I guess I have passed and didn't get time to tell you anything. The necklace you wear is an old necklace passed from mother to daughter. It may look new Emma but it's actually been in the family for centuries.

Emma in this letter you will find a plane ticket that will take you to Canada but I must warn you Emma your father and his family no nothing about you. In the envelope is the address for your father’s house.

There is so much more I want to tell you Emma but my time is short.

But Emma I must tell you that your wolf is very special more special than anything and you can't tell anyone about it...if you do you could die.

When the times right, you will know and that is when you MUST show your true self to everyone.

Stop crying baby girl I’ll be there when you need me don’t forget that now get out of here and start packing you have a plane to catch.

Remember mama loves her baby girl

Love Mom



I look down to see my hands shaking and tear marks on the paper. I smile when she said I need to move...she's right.

I get up putting the letter in my jacket pocket. And walking down the corridor to the exit. Grabbing my iPhone out my pocket I call John

"Hello" his voice was heard

"Hey it’s Emma I just wanted to say goodbye" I said walking through the door and out to the parking lot.

"What do you mean goodbye Emma" his voice showing his mad

"I'm leaving now John its time I go to Canada I'm leaving in 2 hours" I said spotting my ride in the end lot

"What! What about the band Emma you can leave us like this" he said angry

Oh damn I forgot the band.

"Well you’re going to have to find a new singer later john" I said shutting off the call just in time to get to my bike.

If you haven't realised I am a badass and my mother loved me for me with my pricing and all.

Looking up at the sky I smile seeing the sun breaking through the clouds sending away the rain. Somehow I knew it's my mothers doing “I miss you mommy”

Getting on my bike I take my keys out starting her up and riding out the car park.

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