Chapter 10

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Chapter 10


"If I was you I would put that down" I said to the man who was holding my helmet

He just laughs as he does I look over at my mother to see she's by the door watching the whole thing.

"Come on hot stuff we can go back to mine and have some fun" he said

I just roll my eyes walking up to him and hitting him in the crouch. Just as he dropped I caught my helmet.

I turn to my mother and she just shakes her head and making a motion with her hand for me to follow.

I follow her out of the club taking quick steps to catch up with her

We stop by my bike and her car.

"You know one day I won't be here" she says softly turning to me

I laugh "Your my mother, your strong willed you won't let death take you. Cancer should be scared of you"

My mother smiles softly "I am baby girl, I am stronger then you will know and you will be one day. Now get on the bike and get home you have school tomorrow"

Dream end

I wake up with my face a little wet, moving my hand to my face I notice I'm crying that memories was 2 months before she went to hospital and thinking of what she said the clue was right there I thought it was the illness talking.

I guess I was wrong because if my mother was a witch that means she's been dropping clues in plan site.

I'm taken out my thinking by a knock on the door. Throwing the cover off me I get up wiping my face and go over to the door.

Taking a deep breath I open it up to see my idiot brother that I beat the shit out of yesterday I smirk a little.

He coughs before speaking "you ready?" he said

"What do you mean am I ready?" I look at him with a brow raised

"School" he said with a shrug

I laugh at him "I've been here for what 2 wait 3 days and I'm already in school there is no way that is happening" I go to shut the door but he stops it with his foot.

He narrows his eyes "what you said last night I haven't forgotten 'sister' And dad enrolled you yesterday but you went shopping now get ready"

I stick my hand though the gap grabbing is shirt and bringing his face to mine "Don't for get little brother I can kick your ass again" with that said I push him back and slam the door closed locking it.

Just a great start don't you think first I cry and now I'm angry because I have to go to school.

Just another fun day with joining a new family.

Walking to my bed side table I look at my phone to see what time it is 7:21 just my fucking look. Oh yeah the painters fuck it.

Quickly I run to my to my wardrobe and grab a lose top with a skull on it.

Taking my night top I throw it on the floor then put my new top on.

Going to the shorts I pick out some black ones with studs on the left side.

Lastly I grab some dock martens. Quickly changing into my shorts I slip on my boots that have a lace up.

I go to head out until I remember I need a bag. If I'm going to school I need a bag unless I have a nerd wait no can't that just okay maybe it is me but still.

I turn and look around for a bag my eyes zone in on a back bag that's black with golden zips. Shrugging I grab it and walk back out throwing it on the bed and heading to the bathroom.

Grabbing the blood red lip stick I put some on then get to work on my eyes with the Smokey look again.

Turning in front of the mirror to look at my self. Nodding at the way I look I shake my hair a little to give it that 'I just had sex' look.

I look sexy at fuck.

Walking back out I grab my bag and then phone. I turn to head to the door until I remember my car keys ha-ha can't leave them here.

I smirk walking out my room and down the stairs and corridor until I get to the kitchen.

I stop at the door seeing my dad and brothers but also a new person. A women. She looked familiar like I've seen her somewhere looking at all of them I realise this must be my brothers mother.

I cough and all heads turn to me and I just smirk. My dad's face goes hard looking me up and down.

My brothers look a little bit pissed.

And the women well she's smiling kindly at me.

"Hello dear, you must be the new addition to the pack I heard about" she said walking up to me. I look over at my dad and he gulps along with my brothers.

I guess he's been keep secrets from his wife I smirk a little. Well for him man hander ling me yesterday.

"Hello miss, I'm actually new to all this you see. I came here to find my father and lucky I did" I smirk even bigger and she looks confused

"Oh really who's your father dear" she said kindly again, omfg her voice of kindness is giving me a headache

I lean closer to her making her look me in the eyes "don't these eyes seem familiar"

I watch as her eyes widen slowly and she gasps as fast as lightening she turns to my father.

"Why didn't you tell me?" she said very slowly. I almost laugh at my father's face.

He gets up coming closer to her but she moves back my father looks like his about to cry.

I stop smirking and sigh and speak up "don't blame him it's my fault I only came 3 days ago so I guess his still in shock you know"

She turns to me slowly and sniffs the air "your human"

I laugh "yes with the wolf speed and strength. You really can't blame him though my mother kept me a secret from him for nearly 18 years so chill"

I look around to see my brothers looking at me like their scared I thrown

She moves until she's in front of me "I want to kill you but I can't because you are family now but I must warn you. I was the third top fighter in the Black rose pack so I can kick your ass if you mess this family up"

I put a hand over my mouth to hide the smirk and just nod.

My brothers shout "Shit! School!"

I roll my eyes at them and turn to my father "thanks for school you asshole"

I hear the women gasp and I just smile walking past them to the front of the house swinging my keys around my finger.

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