If He Was Yandere

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He wouldn't let you leave his containment cell. He would give you small threats about it. If you tried to leave he would pull you back. He may also tie you up.


It depends on what you do. If you hit him then he will probably tell you not to. If you do it again then he will tell you if you do it again you will get punished. If you do it again then he will probably tie your hands up. If you do something like mess up his work on purpose then he will yell at you a lot and pop you. That is not all though. He may get a scalpel and cut your arm. It would be a kind of small cut and probably wouldn't be bad enough for blood to be dripping from it but that depends on how much you move while he is cutting you. He would warn you not to though.

How he would act

He would still be very polite. That may depend on you though.


No. He wouldn't kill unless someone try's to help you. Or hurt you or him.

Your welcome! I hope you enjoyed!

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