You Mess Up Some Of His Imporant Work

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SCP-049 was looking at a table with beakers all over it. They had unknown substances inside them. You came closer to see what he was doing. "What are you doing?" You asked him. Suddenly you tripped. You landed right on the table. Glass went everywhere. You heard SCP-049 gasp and help you up. "Are you alright?" He asked you. You looked at the mess you made. "I am so sorry!" You shouted. You began to panic. "Are you alright?" He asked you again panicking. "Yeah." You replied. "I think so.". "I was very close to finding out something big about The Cure." He told you. It made you feel even worse. "I'm so sorry!" You said again. You asked him how you could help him. You and him cleaned up the mess and he started again. He was pretty mad but he didn't show it.

Your welcome! I hope you enjoyed it!

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