He Ask You If Your Sick When You Don't Have The Pestilence And You Run Away

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You woke up. You didn't feel good. "Am I sick?" You thought. You suddenly coughed. SCP-049 looked at you. "Do you feel ok?" He asked you. "Wait." You replied afraid he would tell you you have The Pestilence. "Do not be afraid he told you.". "You do n-." You backed into the corner. "Y/N." SCP-049 called. "St-stay away!" You shouted in fear. "Y/N." SCP-049 called again. He got up and started walking towards you. "You-." You cut him off by shouting "Stay away!". You sat there in the corner. On your bed. There was nothing you could do. He stood right in front of your bed. "Y/N." He called again. "You don't have The Pestilence.". You stopped for a second. "I don't?" You asked confused. "You do not." He replied. "You may have a cold." He told you. "I suggest that you get some rest.". "Th-thanks." You said. "Your welcome." He said back to you.

Your welcome! I hope you enjoyed it!

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