SCP-049 Relationship Alphabet

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A- Activity (What is their favorite activity to do with you.)

He likes to do a lot of stuff with you. It's hard to pick a favorite. Perhaps it would be watching TV with you though.

B- Beginnings (How do they act in the beginning of a relationship)

He doesn't know what to do that much. He is still learning.

C- Communication (Are they good communicators? How do they normally talk about their problems or solve issues)

He talks with big words and he talks to you about his problems and how he plans to fix them.

D- Drunk (What are they like when they're drunk)

He doesn't drink.

E- Emergency (How are they in emergency situations? You get hurt, they get hurt, someone is dying etc..)

He try's to act calm about it. He knows about about medical stuff to.

F- Free Spot (I'll give you any headcanon I come up with)

He likes to read stories you write.

G- Gifts (What kind of gifts do they give? What kind of gifts do they get?)

He will give you things that you want or expensive jewelry and stuff like that. He doesn't want a lot. Perhaps some medical stuff.

H- Hugs (How do they show affection/cuddle)

When he is telling you goodnight and good morning. Or if you are leaving. Or if you want a hug.

I- Irritation (What is something that irritates them? How do they show their irritation?)

When you annoy him. Or when people keep asking him about The Cure. Or when his work is messed up. Or when something happens to you. He will keep his anger to himself though. If he is angry enough he might shout a little bit.

J- Jackpot (How would they spend their winnings if they won the lottery?)

He would spend it on what you want and some medical stuff and stuff for The Cure.

K- Kryptonite (What is their ultimate weakness?)

He doesn't really have any. Something happening to you.

L- Laughter (What makes them laugh?)

When you do something funny.

M- Morning ( How do they wake up in the morning? Are they a morning person or a morning grouch?)

He will wake up happy and probably wake you up. Then he will do whatever he is going to do that day.

N- Needy (When do they feel particularly needy? How do they show it?)

He probably rarely does or never. If he does he will just ask you for a hug. Or just come up to you and hug you.

O- Oasis (Where is their happy place? Where would they go if they didn't have anything holding them back?)

He is happy where he is at with you. He would like to move to France with you though.

P- Pain (How do they handle pain? How do they handle when you are in pain?)

He hates to see you in pain and will try to help as much as possible. He doesn't really feel pain but regret or something... He wouldn't know what to do if it's too late.

Q- Quote (What's a quote that fits them and your relationship)

"I would travel the Earth for you."

R- Reunion (How do they celebrate seeing you after a long time of being apart)

He would hug you a bunch and tell you he loves you a lot and spend a lot of time with you.

S- Stress (What stresses them out? How do deal with stress and how do they relieve it?)

To see you upset or when he is asked about The Cure over and over or when his work is messed up.

T- Terror (What are they afraid of?)

He is afraid of you leaving him or something happening to you. He is also afraid of his work being messed up.

U- Unique (What is a quirk that is unique to them?)

He has a robotic voice.

V- Violence (Do they fight a lot? Are they a good fighter? What is their fighting style?)

He doesn't fight ever but if he did he would be a good fighter. He is very strong, fast, and nothing hurts him. His fighting style is to use his fist.

W- Wow (What do you do that really surprises them? What do you do that they really like?)

He is surprised when you know a lot about medical stuff. When you show him something big and complicated and you look super smart. He likes a lot of stuff that you do. He likes when you offer to help him.

Xtra- (What do they do extra?)

He loves you extra. He is also extra protective even if he doesn't look like it.

Y- Yucky (Is there something that grosses them out so badly that they can't deal with it?)


Z- ZZZ's (What are their sleeping habits? Both with and without you)

He he sleeps without you he sleeps normal and quiet. He can't drool or anything so. When he sleeps with you he is the same as when he sleeps alone. He might hug you if you would like.

Part 90 wow!

Your welcome! I hope you enjoyed!

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