Nice to meet you

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Janet POV
I know you know who I am I don't feel like giving you an introduction. I will tell you that I work in a publishing company so there I have to get ready for work and I'm a little upset right now because Jennifer one of my "girlfriends keeps calling me saying that she wants me to move in with her or she moves in with me. I don't want nothing serious just sex then get over it I mean how hard is that. I don't mean to be this rude it's just I'm not looking for a relationship.

 I don't mean to be this rude it's just I'm not looking for a relationship

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I chose this outfit I look good I know you don't have to tell me. When I got to the office I'm usually the only one there but today there was someone else and my was she gorgeous.

 When I got to the office I'm usually the only one there but today there was someone else and my was she gorgeous

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Toni POV
Well today is my first day of work. I moved from Maryland because my parents are so suffocating with there religion I just needed some air some days I feel bad because I left my sister but I'll be back just not right now. I got to the office I was the only one there then until 5 minutes later someone came in. She stared at me until she sat down and of course her desk next to mine.
"Hey, I'm Janet." I didn't say anything just kept looking at the paper. She got up and stood behind me.
"We'll Toni I know you hear me I'm wanted to say I think your cute. What can you say about that."
"Who cares." I said swatting her away.
"Why so mean don't you want to get to know me." She asked sounding a little hurt.
"No I don't if you don't mind I would like to start." She chuckled going back to her desk working too.
Janet POV
I don't know what it is about Toni but the way she just didn't jump on me is doing something to me I mean this whole day she hasn't giving me a look or a glance. Not one I tried to make my moves like I do in everyone it always work but Toni either said no or laughed in my face. Work was over it was dark like always usually I'm the only one here but Toni was here too. I saw her leaving so I left too.
"Hey let me walk you to your car."
"I didn't take my car today is my walking day." She said still walking.
"We'll you shouldn't walk alone." She didn't say anything just kept walking. I had to get this girl to talk to me maybe then we could get somewhere.
"So why did you move to New York?" I asked trying to break the silence.
"I got tired of my parents just needed a change from my parents religious ways."
"We'll do you have a boyfriend back home."
"No boyfriend I would rather s girlfriend just haven't found one." Likes women so that means I have a chance. We got to her house talking about anything and everything.
"We'll Toni I hope you have a goodnight beautiful." Toni hugged me and kissed me on my cheek.
"You too Janet." Luke that she walked into her house. It felt like butterflies in my stomach I wanted her to kiss me again or just even walk that was amazing too. But I can't that's too serious for me I won't stand for it. When I got home I saw that the light was on so who was in my house. I walked in slow waiting for the person before I started swinging Jennifer came out.
"What the hell is wrong with you."
"Nothing baby I was waiting for you to come home but you were taking longer then usual."
"I was with someone."
"Your cheating on me?"
"We're not together Jennifer I don't want you haven't you notice we haven't had sex in months your crazy I thought you would get the hint but no your weird ass just keep coming. I don't want to live with you I don't want a family with you I don't want to marry you I don't want you not even for sex you are annoying piece of shit just go leave." Jennifer ran out crying I can't believe I said that but it needed to be said. I took a shower getting in bed I looked at my phone and saw Toni put her number in it. I called her hoping she would answer.
"Hey beautiful."
"Hey Janet what you doing."
"Just got in bed thinking of you."
"Okay weirdo you sound stress something happen."
"Had to get rid of a problem and she was a little hard headed."
"Oh broke up with your girlfriend."
"Not really my girlfriend I'm saving that title for you." Toni giggled shyly at my words we talked for hours until she fell asleep I mean when I said goes I mean hours I haven't done this in a while. I said goodnight like she could hear me. I hung up smiling my ass of staring up at the sky suddenly wondering why am I so happy when I talk to Toni it isn't natural but she is so different she didn't even try to sleep with me she said she just wanted to be friends. Friends I mean it's going to take some work but I'm willing to work. What am i saying willing to work this is not like me. I went to sleep with Toni still on my mind I have to do something about this.
I was at home when I had a sudden urge to see Janet I tried to call her but she kept decking my call like she had something better to do. I kept calling but Janet wouldn't answer I have a second mind to go to her house but my husband is sleep we just got finish doing the deed nothing special. She better not add anyone to the collection.

A/N~ I guess

Excuse any mistakes

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