Sick Days

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Toni POV

Oh happy day for me, why? because Janet is sick and I'm not, after that little stunt she pulled in the rain her ass got sick. I gotta pay the price because I gotta take care of her damn. Janet's sick is like a man nothing is ever good enough unless her mother does it. Then when her mother comes down she starts criticizing me saying, I'm gonna kill her baby because I don't know how to take care of her. This time it's a little different she hasn't asked for her mother and I dint want to kill her yet. Never mind I do want to kill her because last time she was sick her mother got her a bell and right now she and that bell is working on my damn nerves. I went in the drawer getting a hammer walking upstairs where Janet is still ringing that damn bell. When I got to the room I grabbed the bell out of her hand setting it down betting it with the hammer Janet looked at me scared but I didn't care that the bell had to go.

"You need something baby."

"Um no I was just wondering where you were I'm bored."

"You should be sick I'll lay with you in a second I gotta go to the store."

"What why?"

"I need to get the stuff to make this soup you want and we have nothing. I won't be gone long okay." I kissed her forehead and she started pouting. I got in the car and saw someone watching me in the bushes.

"Can I help you, Jennifer?"

"Janet is gonna be mine best and believe that. I got rid of Robin I can get rid of you. Chili was light work. Now it's just you and Nia better watch your back miss Toni because Janet is gonna forget about you real soon." She was all in my face and before I could do anything she was on the ground bleeding. Nia was standing behind me with a gun I'm surprised she didn't shoot me but glad. I was on the ground keeping cover. I was good until I felt some arms around me and I started screaming best believe someone was gonna hear me.

"Mama calms down it's me. Come on let's go back in." I looked up to make sure it was Janet Thank god it was I took her hand and I saw Nia taking Jennifer's body and throwing it in her car. Janet turned my head to have me look forward.

"Are you okay?" Janet said locking the door looking deep into my eyes.

"I-I s-she w-was j-just-."

"Mama breath okay. Take a deep breath and tell me what's on your mind." I took a couple of deep breaths and just hugged Janet tightly boy want her to let go.

"She was telling me that you will always be hers and that it only took getting rid of everyone then boom sh on the ground dying." I was crying harder but then I realized Janet was the one sick I should be taking care of her. I pulled away wiping my tears.

"Look at me I'm a mess. I'm supposed to be taking care of you so why are you out of bed?"

"I heard gunshots I just wanted to make sure it wasn't you. I can take care of you too I'm fine right now what do you need."

"I need you to go lay down I can't have you getting the whole house infected." We both smiled and tears were still in my eyes. Janet grabbed my hand and took me with her laying my head in her chest I soon enough fell asleep.

Janet POV

When Toni went to sleep I was happy that quick and something already happened. I kept getting text messages from Robin. I didn't want to tell Toni that I was talking to her again because she would only worry.

Inmate 64502: Did she confess? Can you see I'm innocent?

Me: Toni said she said something I don't know I wasn't there I'm sick. Toni not gonna tell me she is in shock right now.

Inmate 64502: Well you need to hurry up I'm innocent and I need Jennifer to go to jail."

Me: well that's gonna be hard Nia shot her now I don't know if she's dead my only concern is Toni. With that being said you need to talk to her because I'm done talking to you I didn't know Toni would almost get killed by Robin.

Inmate 64502: wa-.

I turned off my phone going to sleep with Toni praying that she will be okay I know it's a lot that happened just as long as she lets me help her. I was asleep for a couple of hours and when I woke up Toni wasn't there. I quickly shot up my mind racing. I didn't know what happened to her she was here a minute ago. I put my robe on ran downstairs seeing Toni in the kitchen cooking.

"Oh my god, Toni you're okay. I thought something happened to you."

"No, I got up and went to the store and got the stuff now I'm making us dinner. So go sit on the couch since you don't listen and want to infect the whole house." I tried to say something but she waved her hand and told me to leave. I was on the couch watching The Family That Preys, let me tell you something this movie is drama on top of drama and I love it. The movie was almost over and Toni came with two bowls of soup.

"I hope you like it

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"I hope you like it."

"Looks perfect thank you mama." I kissed her cheek and the movie was over when I looked up.

"What movie do you want to watch next?" I asked Toni letting her pick the next one.

"Let's watch another Sanaa Lathan movie, how about Disappearing Acts."

"Wesley Snips eww but okay." I put on the movie and once Toni and I finished our soups we cuddle the rest of the day.

A/N- Look out for another update

Excuse mistakes

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