Why would you do that

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Janet POV
Me and Toni were laying in the bed just enjoying each other's I'm happy that she trusted me to take something so precious from her and that she trust me enough to do it. We were just making out and the door bell rung.
"I'll go get it." Toni said prying from under my embrace. She was gone for a while then I saw who it was.
"Robin what are you doing here."
"We'll I haven't heard from you no hey hello how are you best friend."
"I'm gonna let you two talk." Toni left going upstairs.
"So that's the thing that's been keeping you occupied."
"Her name is Toni."
"Anyway you did it right you had sex with her."
"Yes we did it yesterday."
"We'll then your mission is complete."
"He quite I don't want her to hear that."
"What you said that you was going to make it your mission to sleep with her then you were going to leave you said you were going to pretend that you liked her romantically because you knew she was weak and could give it up."
"I know but all that ch-." Before I could finish Toni came crying.
"That's what you think of me."
"Toni baby let me explain it sounds bad but it's a good reason." I tried to go over to her and grabbed her arm.
"No don't touch me I told you something so vulnerable I loved you I trusted you just to know that you never did you use me for some sick game. I gave you a chance after you just ghosted me and I thought you changed I thought you were different."
"I am baby please I did say that I can't lie but that all changed please I'm sorry."
"I think you should go." I walked out wanting to punch Robin in her face.
"Why would you say that."
"What that's what you always do." I grabbed her by her neck.
"You are dead to me you wonder why you can't having a relationship who would want it be with a pathetic desperate bitch like you." I walked away leaving her there.
5 weeks later
I haven't seen Toni for five weeks she doesn't come to work I try calling her but it goes straight to voicemail and I go to her house she doesn't answer.
"Hey Frankie do you know where Toni is."
"She didn't tell you."
"Tell me what."
"Toni moved back to Maryland about 3 weeks ago." I didn't say anything he walked away going back to his desk why would she move back she use to tell me everyday how much she hated it and I didn't make her new journey any better. I had to get her back I didn't mean anything I said.
Toni POV
Yeah I moved to Maryland I didn't move back with my parents I didn't even tell them that I came back. I was really hurt I spent nights crying I thought that Janet really wanted me but then I have to hear that it just for sex. She got what she wants I wanted to regret what I did but I can't because at the end of the day I fell for her and it was special for me with her. I couldn't dwell on her anymore I was loosing my youth for her. I got up going to the grocery store sometimes that was hard for me. When I was at the store I saw a person I didn't want to see.
"Janet." I left the basket starting to walk away.
"Toni wait."
Janet POV
I went to Frankie house because I know he knows where Toni lives. After threatening him for an hour he told me I packed my clothes and headed to the airport. When I got there I went straight to her house but no answer her neighbor told me she walked to the store this girl is always walking. I drove and I saw Toni walking in I followed her until she saw me.
"Janet." She said trying to walk off but I grabbed her arm.
"Toni wait, let me explain I love you and you giving me something so precious was special to me too." She wasn't listening still trying to walk off I grabbed her putting her in my car before she could get out I drove off to a empty lot.
"Toni you have to believe me I did say that but I was an idiot I didn't know who you are yet when I got to know you all that washed away I didn't have that mindset anymore. Please just give me a chance."
"I gave you chance and look where that got me thank you for your apology I forgive you but your out of chances I guess I got to stop being weak."
"No please I know what I said was for awful but you don't mean that I know your not weak I am for saying that about you or thinking that about you."
"I can't Janet I won't let you hurt me how you did you will find someone else I know you will."
"I don't want anyone else I want anyone else I want you I know I keep messing up but I promise you I will do better please I haven't felt this much for one person in a while. I gave up all those other girls it's just you."
"I don't know if I can trust you Janet you say all of this and then you don't mean it."
"Just give me time give us time so I can gain your trust and be the girlfriend you deserve."
"Okay fine but if you break it once your not getting no more chances that's it."
"I understand and I won't this time the games are over." I leaned in to kiss her thank god she didn't turn it down her lips felt great on mine I would have started to grope her until a knock came at Toni's side of the window. She rolled down the window and almost passed out.
"Toni Braxton what the hell is going on." Toni didn't say anything.
"Toni baby who is this."
"T-this is my mother."

A/N- here y'all go

Excuse any mistakes

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