Wanna go on a date

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Janet POV
Toni and I have been talking for a couple of weeks now but I want more we talk on the phone or we talk at work that's it I want to hang out go out with her do something. She still says she just wants to be friends. I called Toni because I have nothing else to do.
"Hey Janet."
"Hey Toni what you up to."
"First day off work nothing just relaxing what about you."
"Just thinking about you like always."
"Your to silly."
"We'll can you let this silly person take you out."
"Like on a date."
"If that's what you want it to be"
"Maybe if your worth it."
"We'll why don't you let me take you out toddy and then next time you tell me if it's worth it.
"Okay sounds like a plan."
"I'll pick you up in a hour."
I hung up the phone smiling every time I'm on the phone with her I end up smiling. I was getting dressed until I heard a knock at the door it was Nia I don't have the patience for this.
"What do you want."
"I want to have sex."
"I can't right now I'm meeting someone and I don't want to keep her waiting."
"What do you mean are you adding her to your little click." Nia asked me like she was going to beat me if I said yes.
"No she's not like that I actually want to know her but your blocking."
"No you said you didn't want a relationship or did you not want a relationship with me."
"Don't do that your married I don't want to be with you like that not because of her but because of me now if you can please leave I need to be going."
"You know what don't be calling me when this don't work out. You know my number." She walked away angry but I can't focus on that I have to get to Toni. I drove to her house which was only 20 minutes away. I knocked on the door and she looked my god I have no words.
Toni POV

I was sitting on the couch waiting for Janet to come I tried to dress up but not that much like I tried but not tried you know

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I was sitting on the couch waiting for Janet to come I tried to dress up but not that much like I tried but not tried you know. A knock came at the door and it was Janet looking good not a surprise.
"Hey Janet."
"H-hey Toni h-how are you.
"I'm good thanks how about you." I said asking her as we were walking to her car she had opened the door and everything never breaking her eyes off me.
"Me I'm good you know me always good." Janet said with a nervous laugh. She is too cute but I can't do that with her.
"We'll that's good what are we doing today."
"We'll I thought we would get lunch and then head back to my place to chill together.
"Okay let's go." We got to the restaurant an it was nice.

" We got to the restaurant an it was nice

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"I hope you like it."
"Yeah looks nice, which one of your girlfriends have you taken here. She almost chocked in her water.
"How do you know."
"Frankie talks a lot at work and he warned me."
"Don't be upset Toni I know how it may sound."
"Hey no need to explain what you like to do you like to do it's okay. We made small talk and laughed and talked it was pretty nice to say the least but hey I haven't been on a date in a while.
Janet POV
The lunch went well I think. It's just when Toni made that comment about my "girlfriends" it makes me feel like I made a step back from where I was to getting with her. I drove to my place Toni was texting her sister because she was crying.
"Your place is nice Janet."
"Thank you make yourself comfortable we got all day you want some wine."
"Sure." She set down and I poured two glasses of wine I just looked at her and I started to get nervous again I haven't been this nervous since my last girlfriend don't get me wrong I want a girlfriend and I want it to be Toni but my heart had been through enough. I have her the glass and sat at the end of the couch.
"Janet why are you so far."
"Just giving people there given room."
"Come here I want you to sit next to me." I moved next to her and sat really close I put my hand on her thigh she just smiled. I started caressing her thigh all of a sudden Toni climbed on top of me and started kissing me. I moved my hands square on her ass and started squeezing it adding my younger as well. The kiss got deeper and rougher Toni started moaning and I think that's when she came back to reality and pulled away. Getting off of me.
"I'm sorry I shouldn't have done that. We agreed to be friends and I did that I should go." I grabbed her arms trying to stop her I kissed her again letting her know it's okay that it means something to me.
"Please don't go you didn't do anything wrong." I said in between kissing her she pulled away looking in my eyes.
"I'm sorry Janet I can't do this I can't just have sec with you I have to go." Before I could stop her she was gone. Why would she just leave I didn't want to have sex with her I just wanted to hold her. Before I started crying the door knocked I hoped it was Toni but it was Jennifer. I didn't say any I just kissed her. Shedding her clothes off but of course the door bell rung. I answered it and it was Toni.
"Toni what are you doing here."
"Janet I have to tell you something I-." Before she could finish Jennifer came out with no clothes on.
"Baby what's taking so long I'm ready to feel your tongue." Toni looked at Jennifer then me shit.
"Toni wait please."
"It's fine I was just going to say I left my jacket." She did but I know that's not what she was going ti say. She quickly got her jacket and left. I followed after her.
"Toni please let me explain."
"It's okay Janet seriously not like we were together okay don't beat yourself up over it." I grabbed her arm and made her look at me she was crying.
"I know that kiss meant something to you because it meant something to me please I'll make her leave but don't do this I'll change whatever." She kissed me and caressed my cheek.
"I don't want you to change a lifestyle that's comfortable to you it's okay Janet I understand we can still be friends if you want and yes the kiss did mean something to me I just want you to be true to yourself and if that means sleeping with people and not having a relationship then that's fine I will understand." After she said that she left I didn't mean to do that I was I don't know what I was. I went back to the house and told Jennifer to leave all I could think about was Toni.

I'm ending the story here.

I'm kidding

Excuse any mistakes

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