knight in shining armour

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Guys here is the new update
After 3 years ....

Now ani is 11 years old and bondita is 3 yrs......

Ani woke up from his bed with eyes closed and as usual he took his mom's photo frame and hugged it and wished her ...

Then he stood from his bed with eyes still closed and went outof his room.....he descended the stairs to the hall where his dad and kaka are having their respective beverages.......bihari who was going to give som his beverage ...saw ani and smiled happily..

Bih(mv) : after shubra malkin and sumati malkin ......anirudh maalik opens his eyes only after seeing bondita malkin..... I wish atleast this bond stays long......hey durga ma please shower ur love on these two.....

He prayed in his mind and continued with his work..... kaka and binoy exchanged happy looks..... they got happy that ani is attached to bondita a lot ......where even ani once tried to get her with him to his school.....but thank god atlast he somehow got convinced to kaka's words that she is still baby and she needs while he attends his school she will be sleeping in her house.....

Ani went out of the house to das house where he directly went inside a room where it is fully covered with toys and other baby things..... he went near the bed and heard the giggling sound of baby.....he opened his eyes and saw her sitting on the bed having her favourite toys around her..... he pulled her cheeks and took ger in his arms kissing her forehead......meanwhile bondita started to play with his white kurta button.......

Every morning this has become his routine ....Now ani and bondita's bond had grown more....... though bon stays at das house...... most of the time she will be in rc house and will be in ani's arms..... if someone tries to take her away from ani then she will cry loudly making the person's ear pain like helll ...and wont stop until they return her back to ani.....

After a while ani got ready to his school...... and sat on the breakfast table
With bon and started to feed her baby food ....and he had his food as well.....

Kak: anirudh have your food we are here right we will feed her food ...

Ani: no no....i cant go anywhere until her breakfast is done..... my mind wont be in peace if i dont know whether my mishti had her food or not.....

Batuk who was sitting near him pinched bondita's hand..... and she started to cry loud....

Ani got very angry and he started to shout at batuk.....

Ani: batuk how many times i told you not to pinch her.......

Batuk got very scared ......while tried to convince bondita...who is crying still....

Ani: mishti .....nothing see .....i will pinch him in return for pinching you...

Saying that he started to pinch him....not too harsh ..... and batuk acted as if he is in lot of pain... bondita saw this and started to laugh happily.....clapping her hands......

Ani: are you happy now.....mishti...

Ani asked her caringly and bondita with wide smile replied

Bon: haaan.....bahuuutttt......

Said spreading her arms.....
Later he bid good bye to her and J family and went to school with som in his car.....

Kaka went to rc house to look on Aman.....he saw him sleeping on his bed with drink bottles everywhere
........ though he had become number 1 businessman of tulsipur now and got many profitable projects in these years..... he had became the number 1 drunkard as well.....

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