Mini's heartbreak

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The bull looked at ani angrily and started to run towards him
All got shocked on seeing this...

and bon who saw this started to shout ...."sakhababu" at the same time mini also shouted "anirudhbabu"

Before anirudh could react the bull about to hit him ...... but a stone hit the bull head and the bull yelled in pain.... and within minutes the bull turned around to see bon standing with another stone in hand and with furious eyes......

Mini who saw this got afraid and stood up and joined the crowd.....
Ani got shocked to see bon he yelled at her....

Ani: Mishtiii run away.....

But bondita got shocked and couldn't react on seeing the bull approaching her fast.....

Batuk and som tried to hold her but the people around held them as they might get hurt....

Ani got up from his place running behind the bull with fear gripping him on seeing bull approach bon
Ani: Mishtiii.... runnn.....

Bondita couldn't lift her legs due to fear... the bull horn about to tear the stomach of bon ....

Ani: BONDITAAA.......

Ani shouted in fear..... and closed his eyes unable to see the scene......

Anirudh's eyes started to shed tears for bon.....
But in a while everyone started to clap .... somtuk who were crying stopped it and looked up..... here ani also opened his eyes...and saw his bondita safely pulled into someone arms.........

Few minutes ago.....

When the bull horn about to hit bon.... a  walking stick hit the bull face from left because of which the bull turned its face and yelled in pain .....
And in minutes a hand pulled bondita away from there ....
You all would have guessed it yes its our TRC..... in few minutes few men who came with TRC  pulled the bull back ......

Trc: beta nothing happen to you na?

Ani came near them and saw bondita fit and fine ... he thanked his stars and pulled bon away from TRC....

He hugged her with his shivering hands.... and kissed her forehead

Ani: Bondita.... you are fine right ....I got afraid.... why did you do that... what if something happens to you.... ?

Bondita just cried in ani's arms.... though she got very afraid .she hit the bull with stone because of her endless love on ani.....

Bon: how can I see you in danger and not do anything..... sakhababu......

Saying that she weeped again..... somtuk also came and hug both of them...... and poured tears.....

While TRC smiled at them and wished god to save them from all dangers....and keep them happy always....

All four came out of hug.....

Ani: kaka thank god you came on time.... else what would have happen....

Ksj: what do u think of me .... anirudh that my children are in danger and i might not know.... when I was doing pooja the lamp put off and i came to know something is gonna happen and when I came to know that you guys are having kulfi here i came to puck u up only to see bull chasing people .... so I reached here .... thank god he only sent me on right time......

Ani saw bon still in fear and rubbed her shoulder to make her feel better ... he took her in his arm and started to pacify her....

Ani: Mishtiii dont cry.... ok shall I get you rasgulla....

On hearing the word rasgulla her face brightened and she immediately wiped her tears and nodded her head happily.......

Somtuk and ani got happy on seeing her smile back normally and TRC also smiled on seeing all happy....

Ani turned around looking for the girl he saved but he couldn't see her so he turned around with bon and others to the sweet shop......

But someone is in uttershock and that is our mini..... till now she never knows that anirudh belongs to roy choudary family but when she heard him calling bondita thats when she came to know that they all belong to the family which she want to destroy from fhe root .....

She walked away from there in shock .... she reached a secluded place... she fell on her knees and her eyes started to pour tears....

Mini: Ani....anirudh.... you belong to roy choudary family......

Her eyes continuously teared up.... and she didn't care to wipe it......

Suddenly it started to rain and she looked up at the cloud  .......
Mini: God how can you do it...... I love anirudh .... I wished to marry him.... I wished to have a beautiful life with him after destroying g roy choudaries..... now can I kill roy choudaries..... how can I kill my anirudh .......

She started to cry vigorously....she felt like someone pierced her heart with knife......

Mini: NOOOOOOOO.......

she shouted looking at the sky...

Thats it guys.... tell me how was the update.i know it's shot but will post one other vote..... and leave some decent amount of comments... also please comment me on  your thoughts on what will happen next will mini come out of her love land and kill ani and his family??also read my new ff maghadeera have already updated it as well

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