Chapter 17

141 23 4

Emily POV

We have gotten our married licenses for nearly four week now I cannot believe I have his last name...

I have been feeling sick so we are at the doctors...

The did some test and we are waiting on the results...

It was time to go in back...

"The results are in, everything is alright...but you need to start taking vitamins for the little one" said the doctor...

"Little one???!!??" kooky and I said at the same time...

"I am sorry, I though you knew?, well congratulations you are about to be parents!!, I just need to do an ultra sound and then you will be free to go"

She put me on a bed and rub a cold jelly on my tummy...

Then we herd the heart beat.

Kooky look like he was about to cry...

"It looks like you are having twins"

"Twins!!!!" we both said..

"Yes...hmmm the look about nine weeks old"

"We can tell the gender on your next check up"

She clean me up and then we went home...

kooky took me out to a fancy restaurant that night to celebrate our babies...

Jungkook-A love for a Lifetime 18+(completed)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ