Chapter 20

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Kooky POV

As we enter the room the bed was empty, I started to panic...

I rush out the room back going straight to her doctor room...

"Where the hell is my wife?"

"Please calm down Mister"

"Calm down! My wife isn't in her bed!!! And you expect me to calm down? something happen to her? Where is she?!!"

"If you would just calm down we can talk and I am sure there is some misunderstanding because your wife was in her room when i checked on her earlier...lets go have a look ok?"

When we return to the room its the same thing she isn't there!

The doctors and nurses all began to look...

The even call the cops...

But we could not find where she was...even the security footage didn't show her ever leaving the room...

I was on total break down now...

The cops told me to go home and that the will continue to search for her...

I could not function so my parents took the kids with them...

As I open the door and walked in the lights came on...

One by one the lights was switched on and lead me straight to our room...

When I open the door there was flowers covering the bed....and little candle but what got me hypnotized is the back of a beautiful woman in a white dress...she was facing away from me...

Then she turned around...

And I felt my heart jumped out my chest...

I couldn't believe my eyes...

Its like waking up from a nightmare to a sweet reality...

Its like the calm after the storm...

My heart is beating so fast...

My legs feel like the would give out...

But I needed to know that this is real...

And not my imagination...

I need to touch...

I took one little step at a time...

As tears pour down my cheeks...

I couldn't believe my eyes...


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