Chapter 28

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Sorry for the delay, but finally, here you go! Hope you like it! Read, comment, vote...(hopefully I'll be updating soon again >.<)



I went back home after two hours of buying things.

I'd bought: a nice dress and a pair of boots for Juliet, and a leader jacket for Andy, because Juliet had told me the one he had was waisted. I swore I didn't know what that man did with his clothes. I also bought a ps3 game for CC; those games are expensive, but, oh well, it was just once a year.

For Jinxx, I'd bought something really cool, or I thought so. I'd bought him a piano. With it had gone half of my money, but it was worth it.

CC and Ashley had already gone to their houses, so in that moment Jinxx and I were alone. He didn't have fever anymore and was feeling better.

– So, what did you buy? – he asked me as I entered the living room. I had just ordered some food.

– I've bought Andy's, Juliet's and CC's presents – I plopped down next to him and crossed my legs Indian style.

– Did you buy my present? – he asked smiling.

– Maybe – I giggled.

– What did you buy for me? – he asked and poked my side.

– You wouldn't believe me – I replied.

– What did you buy? – he asked confused, frowning a little but curious.

– A present – A wide smile plastered on my face as I took the remote control and turned on the TV.

He rolled his eyes.

We watched a movie I had found on the TV and then ate when the food arrived. He had insisted more than twice, trying to make me say what I bought for him. It was funny.


The next day we got up early and got ready to go to the mall. We were buying more presents. Buying things for the guys was easy, but then, I got frustrated because I didn't know what to buy for my parents.

Jinxx was looking for a present for his mother, so I was alone, lost in the shops.

I ended up in the music store, looking for the bass Jinxx and I agreed in buying for Ashley.

That was much easier than looking for a present for my parents.

Nobody could blame me for not knowing what to buy; I'd spent most of my adolescence alone after all.


– Did you buy anything for your parents yet? – I heard a voice asking from behind.

I lifted my eyes from the bass just too see Jinxx standing there, with some bags in his hands.

– No – I sighed and left the bass I had chosen on the counter of the music store.

He frowned and left the bags on the floor next to us.

The shop assistant had disappeared in search of a bass strings package.

– Why? – Jinxx questioned.

I just shrugged. I didn't even know if my parents were going to be at home on Christmas Eve.

– You know what? – he suddenly said.

This is for all the true rock & rollers (Here we go again sequel)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora