Chapter 19

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Juliet had joined us two days ago. I was happy for Andy, but every time I saw them cuddled together or kissing, it reminded me of how far my fiancée was and how I wanted her to be here with us having fun.

I didn't want her to prepare all the wedding alone, but she was the one wanting to stay.

I sighed and rolled to the other side of the bunk. I wanted to have her here with me every night.

Soon, someone opened my bunk's curtain. I looked over my shoulder to see Sammi standing there.

– Yeah? – I asked lifting an eyebrow.

– Have you seen CC and Ashley? – she questioned tilting her head.

– Last time I saw them, they were talking about going to a bar – I shrugged.

– Oh...Well, Andy told me to ask you if you want to come to have dinner outside – she smiled kindly.

Things between us hadn't been the best since all that stuff happened, but we were almost friends. Something like that.

– I have already have dinner with CC and Ash, but thanks for the invitation – I replied.

She nodded and left with that. At least Alex didn't have anything to get worried about. I even heard that Sammi had found a little friend in our last city. I was pretty happy for her.

I yawned.

Today Alex was going out with the guys, so I didn't expect her to be connected. I logged in just in case, but as I thought she wasn't there, so I turned off my laptop and laid down in bed again, falling asleep soon enough.

Our firts shows had been crazy, and I needed to get used to them again.

*Next Morning*

I woke up earlier than the others and didn't know what to do. I actually talked to Alex since she was connected to Skype. I didn't think she would be that early, but she was.

She told me about all the things she was planning for the wedding and we talked about random stuff until the guys decided to get up; more like when it was midday.

I laughed my ass off when CC and Ashley appeared in the living area. Their hair going in so many directions that it was almost impossible.

– Funny night, uh? – I said after watching how Ashley drove a blond girl to the door with promises about being another night together.

– A normal one – CC said shrugging as he plopped down next to me.

 – Dude, is that even possible? – Juliet asked pointing to CC's hair as she entered the bus followed by Andy.

They brought donuts! Yey!

– Shut up – he murmured covering his face with a pillow.

I laughed.

Ashley got up and made his way to the bathroom. That was the last time we saw him until he was done.

It didn't bother me, but it did bother CC and Jake because they got up at the same time and couldn't take a shower or anything until Ash was ready.

Andy, Juliet and I just watched eating donuts how they both banged on the bathroom's door every five minutes.


As I hanged out my phone, I started filling the papers I had in my hands. I was getting stressed with the wedding stuff. I knew I told Jinxx I'd do it by my own, but this was just too much. Maybe if I had Juliet or Ella with me...

I sighed and stood up when I heard a knock on the door, opening it to reveal a happy Mike.

– Sup Mikes – I said coming back to my work.

– Just coming around – he shrugged and plopped down next to me.

– I'm going crazy with this shit – I took the already filled papers and piled them.

– Why don't you wait till Jinxx comes back to do it with him? – he asked reading a paper curiously.

– I told him I could do it by my own – I filled another paper and piled it with the others.


We talked about the wedding some more but then changed into random things. I liked being with Mike, but since the band was in a hiatus and I was planning the wedding, I didn't have too much time for partying with my friends.

I missed the guys, and I also missed Jinxx. A lot.

It's been two weeks since they left and I was bored of planning the wedding and calling people. There were two more weeks until Jinxx was back home.

– So, how is Layla? – I wondered looking at him for a moment.

– She's great, the baby is growing healthy – he smiled like an idiot.

– Ooh, daddy Mike is drooling – I smiled having fun of the moment.

– Shut up Robocop – I rolled my eyes. That was the nickname he had given to me.

I looked around trying to find where the most important paper of the pile I had in front of me was. I looked everywhere but couldn't find it.

I glanced at Mike to see him reading a paper. I took it from his hands and glared at him.

– Stop messing with my papers – He lifted his hands in the air.


 He left two or three hours later. I ended with the papers before dinner and was pretty proud of myself.

Jinxx and I chatted a little before they had to go to a concert. I was happy for him, but I wanted to have some fun too.

I groaned as I sat down after taking a pill. My arm hurt and I didn't even want to eat because of it. I just wanted to go to bed, and that was actually what I did.

I changed my clothes and laid in bed, falling asleep not too much time after, but waking up during the night because of the pain in my arm.


I prepared my make up for the concert and walked outside the bus, relaxing myself thanks to the cool wind.

– Prepare for the night? – a voice I knew too well asked from behind.

I turned around to see Sammi standing in the bus stairs.

– Yeah, I'm just hanging around – I stretched my arms.

– How is Alex? – she suddenly questioned.

I looked at her with an eyebrow raised but answered anyway.

– She's fine, she stayed at home because she wanted to end with the wedding stuff as soon as possible – I kicked a little stone softly.

– I heard about it, but didn't knew if it was true. So you're getting married – She leaned back on the tour bus with her arms over her chest.

– Yeah – I nodded smiling, imagining Alex with a wedding dress.

– It's funny cause everybody thought we would be together forever – I frowned, lifting my eyes to look at her.

– That's the past – I replied.

– Well, it's actually sad that we broke up – she seemed to be far away.

I started to feel uncomfortable. I didn't know what she was talking about or what she was planning, and that scared me. It scared me because a situation that involved her cost me more than I wanted to ever lose again.

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