Chapter 11

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Jinxx didn't come back yesterday after he left. It was already time for me to go to rehabilitation. I sighed and stood up. He wasn't going to come.

I made my way to the elevator and pressed the button.

When the doors opened, I stepped in. A little girl was next to me.

– It's cool. Does it hurt? – she asked looking at my arm.

– A little – I smiled to her as she nodded and hugged her teddy bear.

– Why are you here? – I asked curious. She seemed to be okay.

– My heart doesn't work well, the doctor says I need a new one – she shrugged as if nothing.

I stood there in silence and left the elevator in the second floor.

I walked in silence to the correct door and knocked on hit. A nurse opened the door and smiled at me.

– You must be Ms. Moore – she let me in.

She stepped aside and that's when I noticed there were more people there.

A man in a wheel chair and a girl with a leg prosthesis.

– Come here – a man all in white told me smirking.

I walked to where he was pretty insecure.

– My name is Mark, and I'll be helping you with your rehabilitation – he greeted me and offered me a seat.

This didn't seem so bad after all.


I closed the door behind me as I left the rehabilitation room, and made my way to the room again. This time I was alone in the lift.

I came back to my room ans was surprised when I saw Jinxx sat down next to my bed, his head down between his knees.

– You're late – I commented as I sat down in the side of the bed.

He lifted his head surprised.

We stayed in silence for a while.

– Aren't you going to say anything? – I looked at him.

– I'm sorry – he scratched the back of his head.

– What I want to hear is why did you act like that – I bit my bottom lip waiting for an explanation.

– Andy annoyed me, and I wasn't thinking – he said.

– About what? – I replied asking.

– About our conversation before the tour – he rested his head on his hands.

So it seemed Andy and Juliet had all planned. I sighed.

– Why were you annoyed if they agree with you? – I didn't understand that. Andy and Juliet thought that we should have a child.

– Because I know you don't want to, and if there's no option, it isn't worth it to talk about, it only makes me sad – He admitted.

Am I the only one feeling bad right now?

– I know it seems cruel for my part, but I'm afraid, I can't help myself – I said and sighed.

– It's okay, I just don't want to talk about it – Our eyes met.

– I'm not angry with you Alex – he said touching my hand.

– I know, I'm angry with myself – I looked down at our hands; he rubbed mine with his thumb.

– What are you afraid of? – He asked standing up and sitting next to me.

– Of being a bad mother – I licked my bottom lip thinking.

My parents weren't bad, but they were always working, so I had mostly grow up alone, by myself. How was I supposed to take care of someone else if I only knew how to take care of me?

– You wouldn't, and you'd have me too – he passed an arm over my shoulders.

I looked at him bitting my lip. He poked my nose with one finger making me smile.


*Skip two weeks*

My rehabilitation was officially over after the session I was going to have today.

Jinxx insisted in come with me. I thought he was jealous of Mark. It was funny because in any case, I should be jealous of Mark. He was gay, so yeah. He had more possibilities of liking my boyfriend.

By then I was already able to move the robotic arm as if it was a real one. I was pretty glad of it because I was able to do a lot of things more.

When we finished the last session of the rehabilitation, I high-five Mark and left the hospital; Jinxx was all the time by my side.

He has a crooked smile plastered on his face.

– Why are you so happy? – I asked as we walked to nowhere in particular.

I have insisted in go for a walk. I meant, I'd been two weeks in a hospital, I needed to get out.

People stared at me when I passed them, but I didn't give a shit. Actually, Jinxx was holding my robotic hand instead of the other.

– Because my beautiful girl is finally out of the hospital and I can sleep again with her, and go to the cinema, and to wherever we wanna go – I rolled my eyes smirking.

– You want me for sex, recognize it – I said messing with him.

He looked at me with wide eyes for a moment, then laughed.

– That's just a part of all – he winked.

I stuck out my tongue at him.

This man, how I loved him.

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