Chapter 18

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– Call me or chat with me when you have a free time, okay? – I said hugging Jinxx tightly. He returned the hug and buried his face in my hair.

– Jinxx! Andy! Let's go! – CC whined impatiently looking at the hostess going from one place to another.

– Chill dude – Juliet said laughing as Andy hugged her.

– I'm bored – he protested crossing his arms over his chest.

– I'll miss you – I said looking into Jinxx's eyes, ignoring CC.

Soon enough Ashley came and took him to the airport's bar.

It made me sad that Ashley and Molly broke months ago, but Ash was Ash, and he was already going from bar to bar with CC.

Whatever, he was happy like that.

(I actually forgot that Ashley had girlfriend soooo...Yeah, let's continue)

– I'll miss you too – Jinxx replied poking my nose.

I couldn't help but smiling.

Those were the cute things that I loved about him. And also the fact that he was able to make me do cheesy things.

I buried my face in his chest, remembering his sweet smell. He kissed the top of my head.

– I love you – he said in my ear, making me shiver.

I looked up at him smiling. He moved his eyebrows up and down making me giggle.

– Hey guys – Sammi said to Jake and Ella as she appeared from the bathroom.

I closed my eyes and breathed deeply, letting my arms fall from Jinxx's shoulders.

– You – Jinxx poked my side.

I rolled my eyes at him. He poked me again and I couldn't help but giggling.

– I love you and only you – he said whispering it into my ear and hugging me from behind.

– I love you too – I said turning my head to look at him and bit my bottom lip.

We both leaned and kissed sweetly. I didn't want him to go...We were in a so good moment right then.

– Can't you find a substitute? – I asked to Andy since he was next to us with Juliet.

He smiled and rolled his eyes. I could tell Juliet wanted to stay with Andy too, but the moment had to arrive, and soon enough their flight and they had to go.

– I don't want you to go – I whined hugging Jinxx. He hugged back.

– Neither want I, but the fans are waiting for us – he kissed my forehead and then my lips.

We kissed for like a minute before Ashley came and told Jinxx to hurry up.

– I'll chat with you tonight okay? – We kissed one last time before he went away.

I sighed and looked at Juliet and Ella.

Juliet suddenly clapped his hands.

– I've got an idea. Let's get that dress you need – Ella and I looked at each other, and since we didn't have anything better to do, we agreed.


– Are you sure this is the one? – Ella asked smiling as I looked at my reflection.

– Yeah, I'm completely sure – I stroke the dress smirking.

– That dress is perfect for you Alex! – Juliet said getting up and coming to my side.

– I know – I was almost hypnotized by my reflection. I never thought I would see myself like that. I actually liked it.

I decided to buy it. It cost me $5,000 but it was really worth it.

We spent the rest of the day at Juliet's but I was so nervous about Jinxx being in the same bus as Sammi that I didn't stay with them to have dinner.

Actually it was when I was having dinner at home when Jinxx connected to Skype.

– Hey love – he said as the camera turned on, showing a shirtless Jinxx in his bunk.

– Hi – I said while leaving my salad apart.

– Did I interrupt you? – he asked frowning.

– No, no, I was just eating something but I'm not hungry – I replied.

– Don't stop eating – I rolled my eyes.

– No, dad – he stuck his tongue out at me.


– I bought the dress – I said bitting my bottom lip.

– No way, show me – he replied smiling.

– Nop – I smirked back.

– Oh, come on! – he pouted.

I denied with my head grinning like never.

– I can't wait to see you with it on – he wiggling his eyebrows.

It made me blush slightly.

– Shut up – I replied sticking out my tongue at him.

We talked for like two or three hours more until I was yawning like every minute. I missed him so much and we had been only separated for six or seven hours.

I knew that he was the man of my life because of that. With my other boyfriends I didn't give a fuck about being two or three days without even talking.

– You're tired, go to bed – he told me smiling sweetly.

– I'm okay – my argument broke down when I yawned again.

– Sure – he rolled his eyes.

– I might be a little tired, but I don't want to leave you – I pouted.

– I know, but you have to rest, and I have too – I covered myself with the blanket since I was wearing shorts and it was getting colder.

– Juliet is joining you guys in two or three days – I commented eating a gummy bear.

– Yeah, Andy told me. Are you sure you can't come? – he pouted sticking out his bottom lip.

– If I end up with the stuff I have to do yes, but it is longer than I thought – I scratched the back of my head.

That time he was the one yawning.

– We'll talk tomorrow if I can, okay? – he smiled sadly.

I knew how he felt, I didn't want to leave him either. I heard a 'goodnight guys' from behind that had the voice of Sammi. I closed my eyes and opened them forcing a smirk.

– Sure, I love you – I blew a kiss to him.

– I love you, and only you, remember? – he replied. I smiled kindly.

– Yeah – Jinxx made a heart with his fingers before the conversation was over.

Leaning back in bed, I notices how empty it felt without him. Okay, I never thought I would need someone by my side like that.

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