24 memories

48 3 3

(The next day)
As tinky looks through out the photos, he sees one dipsy's old school photo that stands out to him.

(Tinky winky's Pov)
"Hey dips, I found one of your old school photo." Dipsy walks over and takes a look at the photo. Dipsy: "oh that was a old photo, I think I was in elementary school." I smiled at him as I look at the photo, then I realized something. The photo was taken at a school named, "telas ub". Weird name....wait. "Dips?" Dipsy: "yes?" "Do you remember the name of the school you went to in this photo?" Dipsy:"uhh, I think it was "telas ub"? Why?" "What grade were you?" Dipsy:"In that photo I was innnn... 4th? No.. it was the 5th." I look at the photo again, it was taken with the whole school, and then I see someone familiar... it was me.. *I was in 6th...* There was another photo which was dipsy's middle school year book, I looked through it and I see him i the 6th grade section. *I forgot they put 6th in middle school after I graduated from elementary.* I turn more pages to 7th and sure enough there I was. "Dipsy...you and I went to elementary and middle school together??" Dipsy looks at me and turns a bit sad. Dipsy: "Well yeah we did..you don't remember??" I shook my head. "Actually... I don't remember anything after middle school... I barley even remember half way of freshman year.." Dipsy looks more confused than sad.. as he searches through the box for something.

(3rd pov)
As dipsy looks through the box tinky gets worried as he tries to remember what happened to his memory. Dipsy then pulls out a High school book. And starts flipping pages till he got to the junior section.

(Dipsy's pov)
"That's me, I was a junior." I flip a few more pages over and started at the senior section. I looked for tinky and saw him. "That was you.. you look more different now.. do you really not remember?.." Tinky looks at me and shook his head sadly. I sighed as I sat down with him. "I thought you would remember by now... but I didn't think you would forget it forever.." Tinky looks more confused as I continue. "We were close friends during almost all throughout High school, we were close to each other to where... I was going to ask you out before prom.." Tinky looks at me shock. Tinky:"Wh-what?.." I nodded. "But then... a few before prom, I didn't see you at school. I asked your..."friends" but they didn't even seem to care... and a few days later I heard they got expelled... or something like that." I took a deep breath, as I continued. "You came back... but you were different, you were more quiet, still kind but not as kind as you had been before. When I saw you back, I gave you a hug.. but you immediately pushed me away and was confused.." Tears started to fall. "You didn't look at me like you used to, you said in a cold voice "do I know you? Why did you hug me??" I didn't know what to say... I just remembering me trying not to cry as I told you about me... you just walked away and said "I don't know you." You then never talked to me or even came near me, it was like that till you graduated..." I started to actually cry as I covered my face. I felt warm arms around me as I was pulled for a hug.

(Tinky winky's Pov)
I hug Dipsy as he started to sob. "Dips... I had no idea.... I'm so sorry I said that to you...I wish I could remember why I said that.. im sorry." Dipsy stays like that for a few seconds as he looks at me and kisses my cheek. Dipsy:"I know it's not your fault... I just wanna know why you forgot about everything suddenly.." I nod as I hug dispy tightly. "Maybe... my parents know something about it.. I could ask them to come tomorrow.. if you like.." Dipsy nods as he kisses me all over my face and lips. I chuckled as he's doing this. "You're so cute dips.~" Dipsy:"You're cutER!" I smiled as I kiss dipsy. Dipsy:"Tinkyyy, I gotta go make lunch." "It's 7pm." Dipsy:"I mean dinner.. i gotta make dinner." "Noo" Dipsy:"tinky, I'm hungry and so are you,  and we need food to fix that so. Lemme go." I began to tickle dipsy as he laughs. Dipsy:"WAIT- NOOO, STOP IM TICKLEIS AHHH!!" We both laugh as dipsy gets up to go make dinner. As we ate dinner I couldn't help but wonder why I forgot all this stuff...

Welp, that took a long time to make a chapter. Well hoped you enjoy this chapter!

tinky winky x dipsy season 2 (On Hold)Where stories live. Discover now