Three | Favour

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WE DECIDED to do a practice run with Zendaya in character but have a stand in to block the scene out as Tom. As inconvenient as it was that he was whisked away by intimidating men in suits, we made the most of it by figuring out the tedious tasks of lighting, sound and camera work.

It wasn't long of course before the same men in suits asked if I could come with them and that it was 'urgent' as well. I looked to Mike who gave me an allowing nod before I paced behind them towards a golf cart to drive us across the studio lot. As our cart turned towards the boardrooms, Tom's cart passed by us; although he was too busy staring down at his phone to see.

I was antsy at this point, both nervous and frustrated to know why I was being whisked away from my job. I was annoyed that I wasn't on set but I was nervous to find out why exactly I was being questioned by the same men who had asked the same thing of Tom Holland.

"We will be with you shortly," one of the men said smiling, closing the door behind him to the large executive meeting room as I waited alone in the foyer. I checked my emails on my phone to kill time and felt my breath hitch at the most recent one:

Contract of Employment Offer

I had applied for a similar producing role with Sony a few months ago before we started the Miles Morales project and I had honestly assumed it was a pipe dream to land a job higher than what I was currently doing. I was only Mike's assistant right now, and depending on what was inside that email, I could potentially be a Production Coordinator; the next role above mine in the hierarchy.

Y/N L/N, Associate Producer

Jesus fucking Christ, I have skipped a Coordinator role and gone straight up to the Associate level... An above the line role? This can't be right. Right now I'm below the line, but this is above?! That means I have a voice in pre-production decisions and genuinely get listened to and respected by the big guys. I finally have an impact in the film. Above the line roles are actually important.

When one of the men came out of the boardroom to invite me in, I wiped the large smile off my face and shoved my phone in my jacket pocket. I was asked if I was comfortable in my chair, asked if the aircon was too cold and given a choice of sparkling or still water.

Why are they being so hospitable to me? So... nice?

"Miss L/N, thank you for coming out to meet us on such short notice, we do apologise for whisking you away from the incredible work you bring to us here at Sony Pictures," one of the men began, the other two nodding and agreeing. There was a woman in the room, although I presume she was there to take minutes of the meeting and record the agenda.

"My pleasure, although I was told it was urgent so I uh, I have to be honest I'm a little nervous," I laughed, trying to break the tension and gage whether this meeting was good or bad news for me.

"Oh no, Y/N trust us this isn't anything to be weary of. Basically one of our actors have had an issue with their immigration and visa here in the states and we needed to ask you a favour to help us keep him employed for this film," another of the men stated casually.

Did Tom have an immigration issue? He's an actor he gets special visas that renew year after year, surely it's not him they're talking about. Maybe they just talked to Tom because of a different legal issue.

"Right, how can I help with that? I'm not experience with legal stuff like that. Is this to do with scheduling? The film has been pushed back a lot already but I'm sure we can try and shoot elsewhere," I lied, frustrated that this sounded like our film was going to have further delays.

"Well, to ensure our scheduling runs smoothly, we just need to tell a little white lie to the immigration office and we need you for that," he smiled.

"What type of lie... Like lying to the government?" I asked cautiously.

"Basically we need to submit Mr. Holland's visa extension application with your name stated as his de facto partner. Given that this film had extended delays, Mr. Holland was not employed in over twelve months and thus will be deported. If deported, he will not be able to renter the United States for another twelve months. You can understand how much this will affect us all here at Sony," the third man interjected, obviously being the more harsh and blunt of the lawyers at the table.

Shit, they are talking about Tom Holland. And they need my help with it? Jesus fucking Christ.

"I-I'm not sure that I am following all that clearly, I'm sorry..." I said quietly.

"We just need a person to be written down on his visa extension so when they run it through the automated systems, an actual citizen shows up. There's nothing you nor he needs to do. It's just, a piece of paper and a signature," the main lawyer grins, shrugging and making the conversation more light hearted again.

"But I- I've barely even met him... Tom Holland I mean," I said wearily.

"Doesn't matter. They just need a name for the computer," he smiled again. I'll be completely honest, this guy did make the situation feel a lot more casual.

"I'm sorry butI feel uncomfortable lying to the government," I admit.

"Did you see your latest employment update? The associate producer role?" The harsher lawyer said bluntly, smirking at me.

I nodded and stayed silent.

"Take that as a type of peace offering. In exchange for this little favour for us, we will give you that favour. A huge milestone in your very young career... I'm sure you're aware of how difficult it is to make it in this industry, and you've been working so diligently for years. I would hate to see something so small like this end up blacklisting you in the market... You know how people talk in Hollywood... Everyone knows everyone, it's impossible to get hired again once people hear bad things,"

He's threatening me. He's bribing me. He's actually fucking blackmailing me.

"It's just my name right? Nothing more?" I asked.

"Just a name. No contract, nothing. Just our word along with yours. Once his visa is extended, we never have to speak of this little hiccup again," the nicer lawyer said smiling.

"I- Um... Sure. Okay. You can use my name."

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