Six | FaceTime

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THE BEST way to eat pizza is cold and leftover from the night before, and I will fight anyone who tells me otherwise. As the four of us lads sat in the living room discussing this entire fake relationship for immigration, we snacked on the leftover pizza from the fridge that was laying on our coffee table.

"Yeah, so if anyone from the government comes up to you lads and asks about my girlfriend, just talk about the shit I'm sending you now okay?" I said sending a long ass message to our group chat about the cover story Y/N and I had created together.

"Wait, why didn't you tell us your visa expired? Have you seriously not been home to the UK in a whole year?" Harry said screwing his face up.

"Well I bought this place with Haz last March and you and Tuwaine only came here after the breakup which was like... October? And yeah, I thought my visa would automatically renew cos I was hired on this new movie but cos I technically didn't start working on set until the other week, it expired," I huffed, staring at Tuwaine who was holding back a laugh.

"What?" I scoffed.

"How is any of this supposed to work if you and Zendaya broke up like two months ago? You telling the government that you were supposedly dating two girls at once? Okay player, get it," Tuwaine laughed, alongside Haz who was also now chuckling.

"Look, I don't fucking know okay? All I know if that if I get deported I can't re-enter America for like five years or something and that will completely kill my career," I groaned, sitting down in the armchair behind me.

"Your lawyers are doing a shitty job at this if us lads can debunk this lie... Surely the government will," Haz mocked.

And he had a solid point. How would anyone believe such a convoluted lie when the most obvious part to its falsehood was that I was publicly dating another woman for majority of this 'relationship'?

"They're Sony's lawyers, not mine," I shrugged.

"Okay, well hopefully your actual lawyers can figure out all this shit," Haz said again, reaching forward towards the coffee table and picking up a slice of pizza.

"Yeah my manager has already gotten them involved," I groaned.

"Is she hot at least? I would cause a fucking riot if someone stitched me up like this and gave me some boring ugly bird to pretend date," Tuwaine giggled.

"She's my colleague dude," I scoffed back at him.

"When are we meeting this new love of your life hm? I can't talk about this mystery sister in law if I don't even know what she looks like," Harry snarked, raising his eyebrow at me as I stared back at him in silence.

This poor girl just goes to work every day trying to do her job and Sony comes in and fucks it up for her. Now she has to lie to the government to save my ass and my fucking mates want to meet her. I just feel bad for her.

"Fine. But if she doesn't pick up, that's not my fault," I said dialling her number on FaceTime for the first time. Usually we spoke at work during lunch and in between takes, occasionally we would text but I would never FaceTime her.

She didn't pick up.
Thank fucking god.

Was that an accident?

"Oh fuck! Call her again, call her again!" Harry yelled excitedly, obviously just thriving off the fact I knew that I couldn't trust these guys around anyone, let alone a girl who barely knew me.

No haha

She ended up calling back and I answered it after a few rings to not seem desperate. Although, she knew I was on my phone because I had just texted her. Fuck I am such a mess lately, my brain is scattered all over the place. These past few months being single have been absolutely brutal for me.

"Hey Tom, is everything okay?" She said softly, raising a mug to her lips and smiling gently.

"Yeah, I'm fine I uh, I just thought you should meet my mates and my brother in case this immigration auditor mentions them to you, or mentions you to them," I said semi-nervously. I don't really like mixing my work life and my personal life, but this time I had no choice.

"Hey, I'm Harrison."
"I'm Tuwaine."
"Hi, I'm Tom's brother Harry!"

I sighed and tilted the camera back towards myself although the boys could still see my screen. I was hoping she would be busy working and hang up but after a bit of small talk she revealed that she had the day off. Clarification, her first day off in sixteen days.

"I uh, I'm bringing my own lawyers into this. I don't think the immigration office will believe I've been dating you for a year when I was with my ex-girlfriend last year," I nodded.

"Oh, yeah Zendaya and you dated for like what, two years? Speaking of Zendaya, are you all good to come to set earlier tomorrow for the interview between you, her and Miles?" She asked, her 'business voice' now on rather than her normal tone of voice.

"Fuck, I forgot about that. I'll be there don't worry. I'll let you go, you need to rest up. I know how hard you work," I smiled, waving goodbye and hanging up as the three boys all shouted bye.

"God that was so awkward to listen to," Haz said furrowing his brows.

"Yeah, you two don't act like a couple at all," Harry squinted.

"We're not supposed to act like a couple until the interview. That's it," I groaned.

Tomorrow the three of us were having an interview and I had to act completely normal in front of the camera. This was going to be the first time anyone has seen me with Zendaya publicly and the whole fucking fan base will be on high alert.


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