::Chapter 54:: Forming the End

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"We need him!! He's been our only way to keep an upper hand-and he'll be the reason I get a better body then this old bag of bones!" Yelled a familiar voice he couldn't quite place as he was disoriented, Percy wanted to shake his head or something. To get rid of the fog that seemed to fall over him like heavy smog.

"You need him." A dark deep enjoy voice spoke that made Percy pause. "He's better off dead if our plan is to work." He sounded calm if not annoyed to Percy.

"If he hadn't escaped then we would have had the advantage-you promised me he would not be able to escape or die while in my care." Ah, Percy knew who this was and what this was now. Kronos was speaking, to someone he had never met and he knew they were talking about himself.

"While in your care. He escaped from your care-and I warned you that once he was out of your care he would have a chance. Do not blame me for your inconveniences. I am only here to-someone is here...." The dark voice stopped and Percy's heart rate picked up.

"Who? Where?" Kronos spoke and Percy heard movement.

Now that the smog had lifted in the sudden adrenaline in his body he found he was in a hallway, unlit and with no one else, outside a open door where soft light from a fireplace leaked out.

"Perseus Jackson-you shouldn't be here."

Gasping up he scrambled, kicking things and crawling over things on his bed not even registering the shocked gasps as he ran to the bathroom and into the shower. There he turned the water on and once the water hit him he calmed some as he curled into a ball and let it rain on him for a few seconds before he heard the sound of rushing feet from the bedroom.

"Percy?" He heard and he looked up at Severus who quickly turned the water to warmer setting then the freezing cold Percy had put it. He was glad he didn't turn it off.

"Everything okay?" Tom spoke as he held back a yawn as he walked in, tying his robe closed as he did.

Percy only groaned and closed his eyes with a sigh in the warm water. A headache blossoming harshly in his head at the sudden attack in the dream. All he remembered after being found out was a deep voice in his head echoing loudly and a hole of darkness-like when he and Annabeth fell into Tartarus. The feeling of falling...brought back all those memories and feelings like a hammer to his skull.

"Course it isn't-Percy?" Severus spoke to Tom before walking into the spray and kneeling in front of him. Percy's eyes met his darker brown ones and he took an intake of breath. "What happened?"

"We...we need to be ready." Percy spoke looking up at Tom. "Or we're all going to suffer greatly."

With those ominous words-did an air of something settle around like a slithering viper. The chills that spread from the intensity shocked the two older mates of Percy Jackson-but they agreed with him. It seemed it was time for a bit more then simple political stuff but more war...more battles and blood....possibly even death.

Their first move-was to get allies in this war that would help them greatly-and it helped when Tom was proven innocent through his memories and so forth. So many people came to be on his side within the hours of the proceedings.

They even got the Weasleys on their side-most of the light was on their side actually.  After telling them everything-getting Ron a blood test to show he was actually a potter shocked them speechless-but helped a whole lot better then words did.

They had way more people then they hoped Dumbledore and Kronos had. But then there came a issue.

Where Greek monsters came attacking families who had turned to Toms side. How Percy had to give out info on what killed them and how by discreetly writing a book under a pen name. But it helped and people were safer with the knowledge of how to kill empousai and hellhounds.

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