Peter Pettigrew

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Remus and Harry dedicated the rest of the week finding Pettigrew, and some Aurors who believed Sirius helped with the hunt.

 Sirius told Harry that Peter was a Animagus and his Animagus is a rat, and that he could be hiding as a rat, everyone in the Order helped as well, so they had enough people from throughout the world secretly looking for him.

 Then it hit Harry, Ron's rat was in the family for 11 years, he told Remus and they agreed to lock the rat in a room and see if Scabbers was a Animagus or not, so they did as planned and Sirius was there with Remus, Harry and Dumbledore, and Scabbers turned into Pettigrew.

"Remus, Sirius! My old friends!", and the Aurors caught him and said, "You won't be seeing friends for a long time Pettigrew", and for the first time in 11 years, Sirius held his godson close.

The dementor's kiss was to be performed the next day, Sirius was going, he wanted to take revenge, Remus wasn't so sure, but Sirius insisted, it was horrifying, Remus couldn't look, as much Sirius was dreading this day, he couldn't watch, and that showed Remus that Sirius that he knew was still there.

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