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"Harry! Are you alright? Do you need anything?", Lily said, fussing all over him and hugged him tightly, "I'm fine Mum, you don't need to fuss over me", Harry said, "But Remus wrote in the letter that you passed out, so are you alright?", Lily said, still hugging him, "Mum, give the others a chance to see me! They haven't seen me come out the train because you were waiting, literally by the door", Harry said breathlessly, "What? Can't a mother be worried for her son's sake?", Harry laughed by that statement, Lily let go and watched as he hugged James, and as he hugged Sirius, he hugged him tighter, afraid that if he might let go, they'd all leave, Sirius returned the feeling and closed his eyes as he hugged his god-son. Lily and James were in awe, and as soon as Harry and Sirius broke away, Lily said, "I asked Professor Dumbledore if I can have a job here and he said there's a position as Assistant Healer, so I can keep an eye on you, which means James and Sirius would have no choice but to stay as well, and Professor Dumbledore said if your not comfortable sleeping in the dormitory tonight, you can always come and stay at my chambers, it's huge, and there's room for you as well!", Harry just smiled and said, "Why not", Remus helped getting his trunk to Lily's chambers, and it was huge, there were armchairs, a fireplace, a pool table, a record player lying on a desk, Harry thought, 'Might belong to Sirius', and his mother showed him to a room, "You'll be sharing a room with Sirius, is that fine?", Lily asked worriedly, "I'd love to share a room with Sirius, but he's got to tune down his snoring, I couldn't sleep back in the Leaky Cauldron", James laughed, while Sirius launched a pillow at them both, the father and son.

They woke up by the sound of sirens, turns out, James put sirens to wake Harry and Sirius to wake up at 7:45, because he knows that both of them are heavy sleepers. They both jumped as soon as the sirens went off, Sirius used a charm to stop it, and went back to sleep, while Harry went to the bathroom to wash up and head down with his mother and Remus to the Great Hall, but as soon as they stepped out of Lily's chambers, Draco came running to Harry and said, "Harry, can I talk to you?", Harry was shocked usually Draco would go by his last name, but shrugged it of and said, "Sure, Mum, Remus, I'll catch up with you", they both nodded and left, "I thought you called me 'Potter', not Harry, what's going on?", Harry asked in confusion, "Look, my parents divorced, and I've been thinking for a while, how I've been mean to you, Hermione and Ron, my father was pushing me to do it, and I had no choice, it's fine if you don't want to be friends, at least I would know I'm in the clear", Draco said, Harry knew he was telling the truth, he can see it, and hugged him, like a brother, Draco hugged him back and said, "So, are we alright?", Harry said in a rather scared voice, "You're going to have to say ALL that to Hermione and Ron, they won't like it, but Hermione has a huge heart, and Ron would welcome you...eventually", Harry said, Draco laughed and said, "I'll tell them at lunch, thank you Harry", Harry asked, "Why did you thank me?", Draco replied, "For understanding what I've been through", Harry nodded and said, "I better go catch up with the others, see you later", Draco said goodbye and he saw Harry running to catch up with his mother and father's friend, he laughed softly, and went to the Great Hall. 

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