A House of Cards

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NOID agents had spent some time trying to figure out who hacked their database and how much intel was stolen. So far they narrowed it down to one city and they had figured out that the biological weapon files had been stolen. IDTF missions had also been accessed but that wasn't important, most deployments could be covered up as an operation to aid local law enforcement.  The implications of someone knowing about the chemical agents that were stored is a massive problem, if any police or hero forces raided the hackers then NO forces would be in deep shit. Even worse was if the hackers were hero or police forces, if that is the case it is only a matter of time before conflict breaks out.

To solve the problem NO high command upgraded Fractured Dawn's combat capabilities. The method for doing this was adding a permanent CAS squadron, the addition of multiple armor companies and 5 more infantry companies. An increase in patrols around the bases were ordered and more NOID agents were called in to figure out who hacked into the database.

It took two weeks but the agents finished narrowing it down. They had confined the hacker to somewhere convenient and an incomprehensible problem at the same time, UA. NO forces could operate without much secrecy but this meant odds are heroes already found out. A report was immediately sent back to R-1 about what had been found and NO high command scrambled to come up with a plan. Eventually it was decided that the investigation would continue and if the UA staff were confirmed to know the reality overseer(Field Marshal Lemore) would arrange a meeting, in said meeting Marshal Ventuas, Dr Alcos, and a few other command personnel would attend. 

Location: UA, R-3

Now the students immediately noticed the NO(or in their minds Havoc) forces that had upped security and were on edge. They did not know the reason for this but they did see agents documenting their classes and consistent training for the soldiers. The soldiers were actively preparing to fight every single student there and were making emergency plans for how to fight there way to the nearest Havoc facility. 

The soldiers dragged in static defenses and set them up around their camp, the defenses included barbed wire, concrete barriers, multiple mounted machine guns, and watch towers. NOID agents only found more evidence that the staff knew as time went on and after another two weeks the decision was made to admit Kroger developing biological weapons.

Location: UA meeting room, with UA staff and selected NO officials

Lemore: Let me be clear in saying these weapons were needed.

Aizawa: In what way? It looks like they will only kill the people you use them on.

Lemore: That was not the intention but it is acceptable, the alternative is 5.56 rifle rounds through the head.

The teachers continued to be rather pissed(and for a damn good reason) about the existence of not one, but two bio weapons designed specifically to be used against quirks. NO officials continued to defend their actions with the reason: the alternative is just as bad. Eventually Nezu stepped in.

Nezu: Who did you plan to use it against. I will know if you are lying.

Lemore: No comment.

Nezu: Marshal Ventuas, I need to know.

Ventuas: For the defense of New Orderian military and civilians I ordered Dr. Alcos to develop countermeasures for quirks. To do this a chemical to neutralize quirks for an extended period was developed. The use of this chemical agent is authorized on anyone with a quirk actively fighting against New Orderia and its people, this does not exclude anyone.

Nezu: So you do intend on using it against us if we were to fight back?

Ventuas: Yes. Operation Fractured Dawn is necessary for New Orderian survival and as such any force need to carry it out will be used. 

The teachers once again got mad at the NO officials until Nezu quieted them down.

Aizawa: Why doesn't the doctor who developed all of this say something? Why would you create something so brutal and inhumane?

Ventuas: Dr. Alcos is incapable of speech.

The doctor wrote something on a notepad and turned it around. The paper read: "I do my duty. I understand what will happen if this operation fails."

Aizawa: And what would happen exactly?

Alcos wrote another thing down on the paper. This read: "No comment."

The teachers noticed at this point that "no comment" means that it is bad whatever it was. Debate continued until a phone rang.

Phone: Hello, I am unable to attend in person but I was just notified that negotiations were breaking down. As such I will be stepping in. Any questions are not to go through me.

Aizawa: Who will BW-209 and 210 be used on

Phone: Whoever attacks a Havoc facility. Anyone who gets to R-1 without authorization from myself, we have no intentions of using it against you but we will if it comes to that. Think of this like the nuclear option, you know so it is a deterrent against you attacking us. You probably think that is cruel. Correct, but necessary. Should someone like, I believe his name was Shoto Todoroki, go rouge and attack a NO facility the death toll would be catastrophic. We have no counter besides this gas. As such it needs to be an option.

After another three hours of talking UA staff was satisfied that the gas was not going to be used as anything but a last resort. They did however request that NO forces increase security of the gas against villains so that something like the LOV can't destroy quirks. The request was granted. A final question was asked that was a problem.

Nezu: What is Daybreak?

Phone: I told you when you visited that I would not lie to you, and I will honor that for now. I can't tell you anything about it without breaking that promise. With any luck Daybreak will never be needed. It is a science experiment, and that is all I can say.

Negotiations ended there and the phone turned off. An specialized group of Fractured Dawn soldiers were trained to guard F site and any shipment of BW-210 or BW-209. NO forces also redid their firewalls to slow down another cyber attack. All units added to the operation were kept even after negotiations ended.

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