Public Relations

15 1 0

Location: UA, R-3

The public was rather interested in Havoc after finding out that they were doing counter villain missions. What increased the attention was the fact the Havoc personnel, who carried rifles and would kill anyone who fought them, were in a high school. Considering Havoc has been selling weapons that violate the Geneva convention the public amassed outside of UA and shouted for answers.

Immediately after receiving word about this Lemore got into a helicopter and flew towards UA hoping to do damage control for whatever the soldiers did. The soldiers meanwhile were grabbing riot shields and were forming a line at the entrance to the school.

Captain: Attention! Keep back or force will be used to protect this area! We are willing to use any means necessary to hold this line!

The public just kept asking questions as soldiers stood shoulder to shoulder with their shields placed on the ground up to their waists. The soldiers had rifles slung on their backs and batons on their hips. LAVs pulled up and more soldiers climbed out and got behind the line while holding batons and grenade launchers.

The crowd kept asking questions and the soldiers were worried that it would turn ugly. If the crowd got violent then the soldiers would need to fight back. If that happened Havoc PR would be destroyed and UA students would be pissed about the troops fighting their parents. Luckily the heroes working at UA arrived at this point and began to deescalate the situation.

Nezu: Can somebody give me a megaphone?

A soldier waved Nezu over to an LAV that was being used as a command post and gave Nezu a microphone.

Soldier: Loudspeaker, climb into the gunner seat and press that button.

Nezu climbed into the LAV which drove up behind the soldiers where Nezu climbed up and turned on the microphone.

Nezu: I am sure you all have questions but these men are not trained for being peaceful, I must ask that you all remain calm and civil so we don't not have any conflict occur. Please get out of the road and allow these men to set up an actual barrier for you and I will hold a press conference when Havoc officials arrive.

The crowd moved back and the soldiers brought up metal barriers while waiting for the conference to occur. In order to not have the public fear Havoc the soldiers out their rifles and grenade launchers into the LAVs but kept the shields and batons.

The sound of helicopter rotors signaled Lemore's arrive and soldiers waved in the helicopter with flares. When it landed Lemore got out expecting everything to be on fire.

Lemore: How bad is it? Can we still salvage any spec of our good image?

Captain: Sir, calm down. Everything is fine. UA staff stepped in before anyone even touched a shield. Riot control procedures are still in place but nobody had gotten violent. Nezu will brief you in his office.

Lemore: Good work captain, you proved your competence.

Captain: Thank you... sir?

The captain pondered if that was a good thing or not before walking Lemore to the office. Lemore entered and Nezu gestured for him to sit down.

Lemore: I was told everything is fine but I still don't believe it, did my men do anything stupid?

Nezu: Your men did nothing wrong. They actually seemed more worried about having to damage their reputation than getting hit. Not that any fighting occurred. Your men were quick to respond to the potential threat and proved their devotion to this school's security.

Lemore: I will inform them that you said that. If I am being honest back home the military isn't known for being kind to any threats. I fully expected to see smoke rising and chaos with how the last time soldiers did riot control went.

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